You might think Vampire Weekend were the first to consummate Anglo indie rock's infatuation with Afro-pop, but don't let the vague Africana of "Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa" or self-aware skank of "A-Punk" distract; the studious appropriations are more akin to
0 有用 Dabbler 2023-04-04 18:30:13 山东
@2022-04-03 10:42:17 @2022-10-16 11:04:04
0 有用 Don't ask why 2022-04-27 15:45:49
@2020-11-06 12:38:25
0 有用 Bronya's 2024-01-04 13:54:09 江苏
0 有用 🌻 向日葵🌻 2021-07-30 22:03:57
0 有用 小小虫 2014-05-25 17:41:42
【歌词机智诙谐,不超龄做作,Vampire Weekend从奇趣的团名到主唱姓名(Ezra Koenig),彷彿都是Wes Anderson电影中量身订做的出场人物。】安德森采访里也有说过他喜欢VW哈哈。
0 有用 络绎丝 2014-12-05 10:51:46
0 有用 火勺火勺 2014-03-29 22:48:53
0 有用 少姩Lalala 2016-05-09 13:26:56
0 有用 cherry 2009-01-08 17:31:41
You might think Vampire Weekend were the first to consummate Anglo indie rock's infatuation with Afro-pop, but don't let the vague Africana of "Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa" or self-aware skank of "A-Punk" distract; the studious appropriations are more akin to
0 有用 Buzzzzz 2009-06-30 13:23:48
sal推荐 欢快
0 有用 honeemo 2009-05-29 16:53:47
so cool vampire
0 有用 70°的蓝 2009-04-05 20:52:04
0 有用 小飞侠 2014-04-05 18:57:45