Chen Gang & He Zhanhao: The Butterfly Lovers; Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto的乐评 (4)
ZZ:SSO’s Butterfly Lovers with Gil Shaham
SSO’s Butterfly Lovers with Gil Shaham So the semester has come to an end, that means all my young classmates have returned to their respective hometowns, to return in about 2 months time. As a parting gift to my violinist bunkmate, I decided to get him ...
之前只是觉得梁祝小协好听,也听过多个版本,但还从来没有被打动过,用 MB QUART QP160 听了 Shaham 这张,的确深深地被打动了,小提琴清洌婉转,又不乏激情,一丝一缕扣人心弦。 感谢 @jollychang 的推荐,还有 @jollychang 的 MB QUART QP160,正是这款严重偏科的“廉价”耳...