Dead Magic 短评

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  • 9 IDKAboutYou 2018-02-19 21:45:35

    A-(85)所有庄严宏大的drone与原声乐器全都消融在一片血红色的哥特neoclassical darkwave恐怖氛围之中,brutal and ritualistic,这是她目前为止做过的最丰富也是最成熟的一张专辑,她的vocal表现更令人惊艳

  • 0 血男孩 2019-02-22 21:59:41

    ”Take the fate of a human being, a thin pathetic line that contours and encircles an infinite and unknown silence. It is in this very silence, in an only imagined and unknown centre, that legends are born. Alas! That is why there are no legends in our time. Our time is a time deprived of silence and secrets; in their absence no legends can grow."

  • 1 tata 2018-04-23 23:00:59


  • 0 tlmgt 2021-12-07 07:18:24


  • 0 无法太多 2019-01-01 08:08:34


  • 0 AndyYoung 2024-01-18 06:15:29 美国


  • 5 7 2018-02-03 21:24:51

    her turning point

  • 2 鸭鸭 2022-02-01 17:41:43

    Are we touching the magic? Of course!

  • 0 Faceless Man 2018-04-16 21:46:28


  • 0 威神V_范德彪 2018-02-13 23:37:52

    Ta med öronproppar!

  • 1 ER 2018-03-06 00:34:24


  • 2 密谋小和弦 2018-12-14 07:42:40

    用大量哥特式做载体,它利用了古老的悲核力量。像是闹鬼的咒语和荒谬的狂热,为你带来了一副从画毯中慢慢出现的令人惊叹的画面。你可能不曾想过这个声音来自一个致命狂想的奇怪的瑞典小女孩,但她的vocal表达绝对惊人,从精美的空灵切换到令人难以忘怀的嚎叫。像是在The Truth,The Glow,The Fall的最后一段,她的声音很脆弱,但却最大限度地发挥了戏剧效果。除了vocal这首的制作也是完美,类型完美互补(有时是纯粹的管弦乐,有时像传统的摇滚乐队)。

  • 0 乔治洗衣机 2018-03-08 23:17:13


  • 0 Seahorse 2018-05-30 16:31:42

    4/5 Anna's vocal performance is simply shocking in a good way; she's channelling vocal divas like Galas, Gerald and Fraser like a pro.

  • 0 平乐园100号 2022-12-14 00:07:36 北京


  • 1 chan 2018-07-14 22:50:57

    假暗潮,真哥特。best of 2018

  • 0 A000模具加工 2018-03-02 13:34:43


  • 0 三层阁楼 2021-03-04 11:50:21

    雾草,新一代PJ Harvey和Lisa Gerrard的结合体出现了。人声太震撼。

  • 0 sickx11 2018-03-19 22:26:07


  • 0 eve 2019-01-23 15:58:51

    I don't even know what she sings about, but feel such a strong connection with it. definitely one of my favorite last year.

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