Transangelic Exodus的乐评 (2)

Ezra Furman是一名美国犹太音乐家,是一名流性人(Gender Fluid)也就是心理性别认同会随不同时间地点环境而发生改变的一类群体,2006–2011年他组建了自己的第一支乐队Ezra Furman and the Harpoons,发行了三张质量不错的专辑但知名度并不高,11年合约到期解散后自己发行了一张...

My darling grew wings, and the government is after us.
When my darling grew wings And the goverment came after us We lived in a red Camaro When your body's illegal And the people sworn to protect you Refuse to protect you One may have to re-draw the map That once represented home And perhaps this was always wa...