AYRTBH - MTK cat# DU-EE1 Currently based in Hangzhou, China. Wang Changcun(ayrtbh) is a sound artist, electronic musician and computer programmer. In 2003, six of Wang's work were chosen for the first sound art compilation CD "China: The Sonic Avant-Garde" which published by the American label Post-Concrete. In the same year, he performed at China’s first large sc...(展开全部) AYRTBH - MTK cat# DU-EE1 Currently based in Hangzhou, China. Wang Changcun(ayrtbh) is a sound artist, electronic musician and computer programmer. In 2003, six of Wang's work were chosen for the first sound art compilation CD "China: The Sonic Avant-Garde" which published by the American label Post-Concrete. In the same year, he performed at China’s first large scale international experimental music festival "Sounding Beijing 2003" in November. October 2004, he had his first performance tour of Europe, which includes France, Netherlands, Belgium, etc. Then he got his solo CD "The Mountain Swallowing Sadness" published by the Belgian label Sub Rosa, and "Parallel Universe" by the American label Post-Concrete. He also appears on many experimental music, sound art compilation CDs, for example the compilation "AN ANTHOLOGY OF NOISE & ELECTRONIC MUSIC #4" which published by Sub Rosa. changcun.wang Bio in Chinese: 王长存,声音艺术、电子音乐、软件与网络艺术作者 2003 年全球首张声音艺术选集《中国声音前线》(CHINA: the Sonic Avant-Garde, Post-Concrete 出版)收录了王长存的六首作品,同年十一月参加国内首次大型国际实验音乐节“北京声纳 2003”演出。次年赴欧洲开始历时一月的巡演。2006 年分别在比利时著名实验音乐厂牌 Sub Rosa 出版个人专辑《拦愁山》,美国厂牌 Post-Concrete 发表专辑《平行宇宙》。2008 年在美国厂牌 Post-Concrete 发表专辑《昆虫》。2009 年于 Post-Concrete 发表实地录音双张专辑《Flicker》,具象音乐作品《海鲜》收录于Sub Rosa 出版的《二十世紀電子音樂歷史回顧—第四辑》,Post-Concrete 出版后设仿生钢琴独奏专辑《The Klone Concerts》,《The Klone Concerts》被欧洲权威声音评论杂志 Tokafi 选为 2009 年 5 月当月专辑,之后甚至有美国普林斯顿大学的人以频谱分析的方式证明它其实不是真钢琴演奏会。2011 年由网络厂牌 Oxygen Absorber 出版专辑《DO NOT MICROWAVE 》。2012 年 iOS 声音软件 “cicadas” 上架 App Store,网络艺术|电子音乐作品“Homepage”上线。2013 年在美国纽约州 Colgate 大学展出声音装置作品 “Cicada”、“Waterfall”,同年网络声音影像装置“Simstim”参展上海“中国声音艺术大展”。 changcun.wang Album design by Ekaterina Emakova www.instagram.com/whitecalx/
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0 有用 Song³ 2017-09-28 22:33:27
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0 有用 Sash 2023-08-04 01:30:34 上海
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