homo animalis collects some of dp's most accomplished work to date. composed between 2009 and 2011 (with two tracks from 2007) these pieces first appeared on limited edition cassettes in russia, poland and in the US. between 2012 and 2014 they were thoroughly reworked and conceived as an album. this album describes a phase in dp's life/work marked by incisive personal experie...(展开全部) homo animalis collects some of dp's most accomplished work to date. composed between 2009 and 2011 (with two tracks from 2007) these pieces first appeared on limited edition cassettes in russia, poland and in the US. between 2012 and 2014 they were thoroughly reworked and conceived as an album. this album describes a phase in dp's life/work marked by incisive personal experiences formed into sound. an intensification of the compositional approach and the increased use of classical instruments are some of the more noticable sonic aspects. begun on "?", "homo animalis" takes a turn for the more sinister and satirical and contains the quintessence of this phase of life with the hindsight that “?“ couldnʼt have. a booklet text on humanimalism adds another dimension to this album. dp's humanimalism is a concept worded here for the first time. it describes a developed humanoid existence that has overcome the erroneous religious and material phases and has grown into an empathic creature that has made a clear shift towards an emotion-based existence, with social and environmental senses as primary and inherent functions.
0 有用 buzzinghead 2024-03-27 17:08:18 北京
2 有用 不ྀ死ྀ者 2022-01-26 23:33:27
4.5 158min hellscape,惡魔是卵生的。恐怖具象,也是一次對動物噪音世界的探索。蛙鳴犬吠等動物的叫聲被狂暴化,電子脈衝和工業噪音賦予了它們不同尋常的黑暗力量,變成野獸、惡魔般的嘶吼。一段6分鐘的詭異豬嚎差點把我魂魄帶走。不足之處是後半段<前半段
1 有用 丛云伴月风拂花 2021-11-13 23:28:15
I get goosebumps
0 有用 溜溜溜 2024-04-25 15:03:51 山东
可怕的地方在于出奇的冷静 一切都在掌控
0 有用 碧色头颅 2024-05-21 21:45:44 江苏
500th 星空中古神的暗语,给我听害怕了卧槽
0 有用 溜溜溜 2024-04-25 15:03:51 山东
可怕的地方在于出奇的冷静 一切都在掌控
1 有用 金蛇郎君 2017-08-07 14:22:56
2 有用 不ྀ死ྀ者 2022-01-26 23:33:27
4.5 158min hellscape,惡魔是卵生的。恐怖具象,也是一次對動物噪音世界的探索。蛙鳴犬吠等動物的叫聲被狂暴化,電子脈衝和工業噪音賦予了它們不同尋常的黑暗力量,變成野獸、惡魔般的嘶吼。一段6分鐘的詭異豬嚎差點把我魂魄帶走。不足之處是後半段<前半段
1 有用 丛云伴月风拂花 2021-11-13 23:28:15
I get goosebumps
0 有用 碧色头颅 2024-05-21 21:45:44 江苏
500th 星空中古神的暗语,给我听害怕了卧槽