Sleep Well Beast的乐评 (5)
The National一定是那种随着年龄的增长,你会越来越喜欢的乐队。这个没有一首大热金曲的乐队,近年来口碑却越来越好,这令那些靠炒作和吸引年轻人而占领市场的行业同行们不解。确实,听这个乐队不会给你带来快乐,他们自己似乎也不快乐,新专辑的灵感更是取材自艰难的婚姻生活...
The National Sleep Well Beast 8.0 导语:乐队的第七张专辑将更多的混沌加入到了他们原已宏大的戏剧表演中。它充满了放任以及安静的沉思,因为主唱Matt唱出来的不是关于怎去享受生活,而只是如何去忍受它。 有这么一个易得的形容词标签云,它毫无疑问的已让the National对此...
reviews from TNY, issue Sep 11/2017
Lyrically, “Sleep Well Beast,” like much of the National’s discography, dwells on the impossibility of human relations: how hard it is for two people to want the same thing, in the same way, for longer than just a moment. Maybe, Berninger ventures, defea...
Serve me the sky with a big slice of lemon
对The Geese of the Beverly Road的喜爱5年过去了一丝一毫都未曾消减,这首歌带来的自由感可以无限放大我开心放肆的时刻。It's about those fleeting moments/ gleeful nights when you are totally free and totally happy totally carefree. We're young, we're in love, and...