Hi it’s me, OOHYO! This new single is a record of the times in my life when I was lonely, cynical but carefree living inside my own bubble. <PIZZA> is really about the difficulties of enjoying life by means of instant gratification, while <VAMOS> is a collection of words that I associate with ‘a hopeless disbelief in love’. Although I feel undeserving of ‘love’ I nonetheless ...(展开全部) Hi it’s me, OOHYO! This new single is a record of the times in my life when I was lonely, cynical but carefree living inside my own bubble. <PIZZA> is really about the difficulties of enjoying life by means of instant gratification, while <VAMOS> is a collection of words that I associate with ‘a hopeless disbelief in love’. Although I feel undeserving of ‘love’ I nonetheless receive more than enough love everyday and I’m thankful for that. It’s not as easy as a slice of pizza, but I hope everyone gets to taste the joy of unconditional love one day and every passing day of their lives. I had so much fun making the album art, music video, as well as the remix track with artist Kai Takahashi and thank all those who helped make the experience so enjoyable and meaningful for me. Thanks for checking this out!
0 有用 卷儿, ♡ 2017-04-08 17:12:21
i want you i want you bad cause pizza sucks without you
0 有用 Friedmann_k<0 2018-12-11 11:24:23
0 有用 CapyPOWER! 2017-03-28 11:29:00
太可爱了。Simple as it is. Pizza sucks without you.
0 有用 🪽 2017-06-11 19:18:55
0 有用 Franz_kafka 2022-11-04 03:01:23 浙江
0 有用 睡觉不要口呼吸 2023-10-31 22:43:48 澳大利亚
0 有用 如何呢 2022-11-27 14:11:38 中国香港
0 有用 Franz_kafka 2022-11-04 03:01:23 浙江
0 有用 浅池星 2023-12-15 13:38:04 上海
某个中午逛多抓鱼听到的,很喜欢。pizza sucks without you, it’s not a question of appetite. Pizza sucks without you anyway.
0 有用 风在穿 2023-08-03 01:36:43 广东