Істина/648929 “Verity” took a long time and a lot of efforts to be composed and r ecorded, but this is truly a timeless work of metal art, worthy all expectations, all ups and downs, all the struggles which preceded it. There are no two similar albums in catalog of the band, and “Verity” is no exception. More dark an...(展开全部)Істина/648929 “Verity” took a long time and a lot of efforts to be composed and r ecorded, but this is truly a timeless work of metal art, worthy all expectations, all ups and downs, all the struggles which preceded it. There are no two similar albums in catalog of the band, and “Verity” is no exception. More dark and introspective, than its glorious predecessor from 2009, “Verity” leads the listener deep into the realms of ancient pre-pagan cults, where the one could obtain the simple and grim truths of existence in solitude and straight dialogue with nature and forces that came from far beyond the human world. At the same time the basis for NOKTURNAL MORTUM music here is the one that cemented the whole legacy of the band in one frame: noble Epic Heathen Metal Art with roar of guitars and rumble of drums supported magnificent keyboard and traditional instruments arrangements. These elements create unique and unmistakable sound of the band, always bringing forth the strong and deep feelings. Another trademark of NOKTURNAL MORTUM is making every song on the record the monument of its own, which is the natural rule of following “no filler” principle and also the band’s very own answer to tendency of countless releases sounding like a same one song. Our special gratitude goes to Greg Chandler (mixing and mastering at Priory Recording Studios) for incredible sound, Kristian Wåhlin for mesmerizing cover art and our designer Sir Gorgoroth for great layout, Vojtěch Moonroot Doubek for band logo, our studio engineer Nikita Shkuropat and all guest musicians who helped us: Alafern, Ivan “Burz” Kozakevych (Sectorial), W. Angel, Selvans Haruspex, Nadiya Melnyk, Mikhailo Kuzhba, Victoria Kravets. NOKTURNAL MORTUM are: Varggoth – guitars, vocals, keyboards Jurgis – guitars, backing vocals Rutnar – bass Bairoth – drums Hyozt – keyboards “Verity” CD is released through Oriana Music/Musical Hall, while vinyl version of the album is handled by Heritage Recordings. As it was in 2010, when band disclosed the title “Verity”, right now NOKTURNAL MORTUM decided to name the next full-length , yet to be written and recorded album “Оберіг”, which means a very special Slavic term, that can be translated like “The Talisman” or “The Amulet” and means protecting charm, giving the magical strength and protection to its bearer. However, most likely a few smaller records will be released before.
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Зустріну тебе в імлі старій (intro)/ I’ll Meet You in Ancient Darkness (intro)
Мольфа/ Molfa
З чортом за пазухою/ With Chort in My Bosom
Смерековий дід/ Spruce Elder
Пісня хуги/ Song of the Snowstorm
Вовчі ягоди/ Wolfish Berries
У човні з дурнями/ In the Boat with Fools
Дика вира/ Wild Weregild
Ліра/ Lira (KOMU VNYZ cover)
Чорний мед/ Black Honey
Ніч богів/ Night of the Gods
Куди пливуть вінки рікою? (outro)/ Where Do the Wreaths Float Down the River? (outro)
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@2017-06-01 13:16:23