Marika Louise Hackman is an English vocalist, multi-instrumentalist and songwriter. Hackman has released a mini-album, That Iron Taste, and four full-length albums: We Slept at Last; I'm Not Your Man; Any Human Friend and Covers. She has also released four EPs: Free Covers, Sugar Blind, Deaf Heat, and Wonderland.
开始喜欢Laura Marling后,对于其他音乐人变得十分苛刻(・・;),把她看作是她的小团体里甚至是所有人里最好的一个,集合了所有人的优点。Noah and The Whale的轻快和Laura的比起来显得太肤浅直白(指Peaceful, the World Lies Me Down),Mumford and Sons在伙伴们身上取经...
0 有用 魂走九霄三千里 2016-12-03 05:28:07
突然意识到它是beth gibbons, MH真是聪明[ another version of OCOC
1 有用 J 2017-08-24 06:42:19
Paper Crown
0 有用 FerminaWater 2017-04-07 22:03:16
mereke's quite cute
0 有用 Bor, 2016-12-08 12:20:28
封面&專輯名吸引。 啊 可惜沒合胃口..
0 有用 zhongming 2019-02-09 13:52:31
0 有用 moomew 2017-12-25 23:25:32
༶・・ᗰદ૨૨ʏ ᘓમ૨ıડτന੨ડ・・༶
0 有用 Taecomme 2020-01-06 13:36:19
0 有用 momo 2019-08-09 16:27:11
0 有用 zhongming 2019-02-09 13:52:31
0 有用 魂走九霄三千里 2016-12-03 05:28:07
突然意识到它是beth gibbons, MH真是聪明[ another version of OCOC