KIN的乐评 (3)

dumbbird 2022-03-06 14:45:45

【虾翻】Everything Has Its Shape / 万物皆有形

Head to head with a demon in my dreams Fight to the death and I don't know who wins I'm sitting ringside and in the middle How can I be both 与梦里恶魔 对阵搏击 战斗到最后 也不知谁输谁赢 自己既是选手 也坐在教练席 怎么两个角色 由我一人演绎 Reached the conclu...  (展开)
dumbbird 2022-03-10 22:51:08

【虾翻】Hard Girls / 铁娘子

Oh all you soft girls Trying to be hard girls You know that nothing changes Just be yourself 喔 身为软妹子的你们 想成为铁娘子的你们 其实一切都无改变 只要做好自己 Never got a lot of empathy Wearing my insides here on the outside But I got a little temporary ...  (展开)
zhongming 2017-10-17 23:06:46


英国民谣女皇KT Tunstall近日发行了自己的第五张个人主义大碟,距离她上张获得全球性巨大成功的Invisible Empire //Crescent Moon已经过去了三年的时间,三年的时间KT Tunstall不但完成了极其成功的世界巡演,而她也加入了美国著名独立大厂Caroline Records,而全新大碟则是她...  (展开)
