So don't take the easy way out, That ain't what life's about, It's easy to stray and waste away, Give in to a moment of doubt, Green worms are gonna get you, Drain your hot summer soul, Your life will...So don't take the easy way out, That ain't what life's about, It's easy to stray and waste away, Give in to a moment of doubt, Green worms are gonna get you, Drain your hot summer soul, Your life will end in a hole.(展开)
So don't take the easy way out, That ain't what life's about, It's easy to stray and waste away, Give in to a moment of doubt, Green worms are gonna get you, Drain your hot summer soul, Your life will...So don't take the easy way out, That ain't what life's about, It's easy to stray and waste away, Give in to a moment of doubt, Green worms are gonna get you, Drain your hot summer soul, Your life will end in a hole.(展开)
0 有用 黎耀辉 2023-07-10 13:50:16 福建
I Want You Promise Love In The Ground Green Worms
1 有用 奔走东墙 2024-01-12 12:20:25 河南
《我侬词》 你侬我侬,忒煞情多,情多处,热如火。 把一块泥,捏一个你,塑一个我, 将咱两个一起打破,用水调和, 再捏一个你,塑一个我,我泥中有你,你泥中有我。 与你生同一个衾,死同一个椁。 ——赵孟頫
0 有用 mio 2023-12-11 23:17:12 广东
So don't take the easy way out, That ain't what life's about, It's easy to stray and waste away, Give in to a moment of doubt, Green worms are gonna get you, Drain your hot summer soul, Your life will... So don't take the easy way out, That ain't what life's about, It's easy to stray and waste away, Give in to a moment of doubt, Green worms are gonna get you, Drain your hot summer soul, Your life will end in a hole. (展开)
0 有用 李小破 2021-05-26 03:35:52
i want u i need u i love u i hate u i leave u i miss u
0 有用 crossairplane 2022-10-25 19:47:14 贵州
0 有用 蛙 2022-11-13 22:22:19 广东
0 有用 逃避可耻且无用 2024-09-13 15:01:26 湖北
I want you
0 有用 mio 2023-12-11 23:17:12 广东
So don't take the easy way out, That ain't what life's about, It's easy to stray and waste away, Give in to a moment of doubt, Green worms are gonna get you, Drain your hot summer soul, Your life will... So don't take the easy way out, That ain't what life's about, It's easy to stray and waste away, Give in to a moment of doubt, Green worms are gonna get you, Drain your hot summer soul, Your life will end in a hole. (展开)
0 有用 少城秀 2022-08-25 21:40:12 北京
0 有用 crossairplane 2022-10-25 19:47:14 贵州