no sound samples or streaming, please understand - this is the most involved, complete, and intense album i have ever made - over a two-year span, on two continents. this is, for me, the zenith of my ambient sound, and voice, to date. those who understand my sound, and my voice - i hope you can trust me, as i trust you. and that's who this is for. i'm asking you to take a lea...(展开全部) no sound samples or streaming, please understand - this is the most involved, complete, and intense album i have ever made - over a two-year span, on two continents. this is, for me, the zenith of my ambient sound, and voice, to date. those who understand my sound, and my voice - i hope you can trust me, as i trust you. and that's who this is for. i'm asking you to take a leap of faith, and experience this as it should be - in its entirety, as it was meant to be - not flipped through and judged in 2-second intervals as you skip through sound samples or listen with half an ear while you're in your car, or at your friend's house. i take a leap of faith every time i put my heart and my life on my sleeve, for all to hear, and this time i ask you to do the same... together we can return music to being a true experience - not just a distraction. i am forever grateful for your trust and support.
0 有用 .y. 2015-11-29 08:34:53
06.Closeness Makes the Heart Grow Colder
0 有用 字母君 2018-07-09 22:24:49
Safety in a Number
0 有用 songset3 2021-11-08 10:40:47
Warm Tears in Three Colors
0 有用 朗🌿 2015-11-22 17:50:05
Warm Tears in Three Colors
0 有用 巨电辛/ 2015-12-10 17:53:48
0 有用 .y. 2015-11-29 08:34:53
06.Closeness Makes the Heart Grow Colder
0 有用 songset3 2021-11-08 10:40:47
Warm Tears in Three Colors
0 有用 朗🌿 2015-11-22 17:50:05
Warm Tears in Three Colors