"Flesh without Blood" is a song by Canadian singer and songwriter Grimes, released on October 26, 2015 as the lead single from her fourth studio album, Art Angels (2015). The same day, Grimes released the "Flesh without Blood/Life in the Vivid Dream" video to YouTube, a double music video featuring "Flesh without Blood" and "Life in the Vivid Dream", another song on Art Angel...(展开全部) "Flesh without Blood" is a song by Canadian singer and songwriter Grimes, released on October 26, 2015 as the lead single from her fourth studio album, Art Angels (2015). The same day, Grimes released the "Flesh without Blood/Life in the Vivid Dream" video to YouTube, a double music video featuring "Flesh without Blood" and "Life in the Vivid Dream", another song on Art Angels.
小仙女的We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together,其实是一首摇滚大歌,被她处理得实在轻盈美妙。第二段pre-chorus到chorus鼓点的推进感涌动着劲爽的有趣,她的人声也为氛围营造填色很多,甚至那声“uncontrollable”也如此可爱。告别一段失败恋情和控诉渣男,被她演绎得泛着冷酷与从容的狠劲,但又仙气四溢
Oh-ah-ah Oh-ah-ah [Verse 1] You claw, you fight, you lose Got a doll that looks just like you Remember when we used to say "I love you" almost every day I saw a light in you Going out as I closed our window You neve...
7 有用 tONy顺仔 2020-03-31 14:39:54
小仙女的We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together,其实是一首摇滚大歌,被她处理得实在轻盈美妙。第二段pre-chorus到chorus鼓点的推进感涌动着劲爽的有趣,她的人声也为氛围营造填色很多,甚至那声“uncontrollable”也如此可爱。告别一段失败恋情和控诉渣男,被她演绎得泛着冷酷与从容的狠劲,但又仙气四溢
0 有用 etvoid 2015-10-28 01:45:23
0 有用 乔治洗衣机 2015-10-31 00:31:43
10 有用 洋柿紫 2018-05-22 22:57:44
1.此歌手是特斯拉CEO马斯克的女票 2.她主修心理学和哲学副修电声乐的学霸以及科幻迷,她创造了一个马斯克也想创造的词儿(由洛可的蛇怪而来),但是早他三年,两人表示第一次有人懂彼此的梗 3.果然浪漫是属于克鲁尼夫妇或者马斯克这对一样智商超群而多金又好看的人的。
0 有用 BeachLifeInBed 2024-10-06 03:19:28 美国
0 有用 dark paradise 2021-12-13 10:24:13
0 有用 夢珂 2024-05-07 00:16:08 四川
5/5 极繁主义制作思路引领下,Grimes将五花八门的声音堆叠到了一起,辅以流行乐的悦耳,实现了一种音乐上的“废物”再利用
0 有用 crison 2022-03-08 07:57:24
0 有用 法蘭咨KKS 2024-12-31 17:23:24 上海
I don't see the light I saw in you before.
0 有用 BeachLifeInBed 2024-10-06 03:19:28 美国