What Went Down的乐评 (5)

What Went Down Lyrics 【全】
【What Went Down】 I buried my heart in a hole in the ground With the lights and the roses and the cowards downtown They threw me a party, there was no one around They tried to call my girl but she could not be found I buried my guilt in a pit in the san...

Byebye Krautrock, bye Guitar Riff~
评分:★★★★ 风格:Alternative Rock/Math Rock 厂牌:Warner Bros. 推荐曲目:《What Went Down》《London Thunder》《A Knife In the Ocean》 foals-what-went-downFoals备受期待的第四张专辑终于如期而至,如Yannis所言,这张录制为期仅仅两个月的《What Went Down》...

要跟Dan Smith开撕!
<What Went Down>:说好的盆栽我就放一边了;可是Foals是绝对不能不说的一支英国乐队,这支为无数作品的原声带献过声,自然辨识度很高。新砖像是Bastille和梦龙的结合一样,Yannis Philippakis的声音像极了Dan Smith,虽然后者2010年才出道,新砖请来了James Ford主刀,似乎现在...