Departure Songs is inspired by failed, yet epic and honourable journeys or events throughout history where people have done extraordinary things for the greater good of those around them, and the progress of the human race itself. Each song has it’s own story and is a soundtrack to that story. This is our 3rd album and our first instrumental album. We’re exploring new g...(展开全部) Departure Songs is inspired by failed, yet epic and honourable journeys or events throughout history where people have done extraordinary things for the greater good of those around them, and the progress of the human race itself. Each song has it’s own story and is a soundtrack to that story. This is our 3rd album and our first instrumental album. We’re exploring new ground and exploring ourselves in the past 2 and a bit years since Chris went on his own journey. It’s slightly bleak with shimmers of hope and layers of emotion. It’s a tribute and a catharsis of emotion and honesty. Thank you for your support. We Lost The Sea are: Mark Owen – Guitars Matt Harvey – Guitars Brendon Warner – Guitars Kieran Elliott – Bass Mathew Kelly – Piano, Keyboards Nathaniel D’Ugo - Drums
第一个故事: A Gallant Gentlemen The title of this song is named after a painting by John Charles Dollman. 歌名出自一幅画 画里描述的也是下面这个故事 The tracks tells the story...
(Explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger Address to the Nation, January 28, 1986 by President Ronald W. Reagan) We've grown used to wonders in this century. It's hard to dazzle us. We've grown used to the idea of space, and perhaps we forget that we...
太动人了。We lost the sea的这张后摇专辑非常、非常好。四首曲子分别对应人类历史上四次有去无回的「征途」:第一首A Gallant Gentleman创作背景是英国南极探险队的劳伦斯•奥茨,他从南极点返回时离开营帐希望换取队友的生存可能;第二首Bogatyri是切尔诺贝利事件发生之时...
今天给大家说说 We Lost The Sea 这张富含故事性的专辑,和背后四个令人心碎的故 \AGallantGentleman 这是一个真实的故事。 故事的主人公是一位英国军官, Lawrence Oates。 1911 年 11 月,Scott 率领的英国探险队向南极点进发。当他们来到距极点 250 千米的地方时,Scott、Ev...
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My favorite type.
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A Gallant Gentleman。后摇纯音乐。
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