Wish I could turn you back into a stranger/ cause if I was never in your life/ you wouldn’t have to change this 😭😭😭
Eventually里最后进阶式的华丽感瞬间让我click到Miley的Lucy in the sky with diamonds #已经飞了 感谢凯文老师让我忘记夏季感冒的苦痛#
kevin parker你是最骚的那个,无人能及
But I know that I'll be happier, and I know you will too. 虽然凯文讲的不是这个故事,但我每次听都好难过,好难过。难过的要死掉了。will I be happier, kevin baby.
#apf2015 <333
> 更多短评 26 条
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0 有用 GaranHollow 2023-10-31 19:57:40 中国香港
0 有用 ▼Carolinee▲ 2015-06-04 20:18:01
0 有用 浮耳马临 2024-01-31 20:07:08 上海
Wish I could turn you back into a stranger/ cause if I was never in your life/ you wouldn’t have to change this 😭😭😭
0 有用 梦幻泡 2015-07-06 23:29:38
Eventually里最后进阶式的华丽感瞬间让我click到Miley的Lucy in the sky with diamonds #已经飞了 感谢凯文老师让我忘记夏季感冒的苦痛#
0 有用 SucrÉ P 2016-03-28 12:56:40
0 有用 梦幻泡 2015-07-06 23:29:38
Eventually里最后进阶式的华丽感瞬间让我click到Miley的Lucy in the sky with diamonds #已经飞了 感谢凯文老师让我忘记夏季感冒的苦痛#
0 有用 neustartbkn 2018-04-01 22:26:36
kevin parker你是最骚的那个,无人能及
0 有用 蟑元英 2015-05-14 17:05:54
0 有用 吉魚炒腿奶油酥 2016-04-27 00:28:51
But I know that I'll be happier, and I know you will too. 虽然凯文讲的不是这个故事,但我每次听都好难过,好难过。难过的要死掉了。will I be happier, kevin baby.
0 有用 龙井绿茶吐司酱 2015-08-20 19:03:56
#apf2015 <333