Carrie & Lowell的乐评 (18)

Carrie & Lowell:穿越记忆的治愈旅程
毫无疑问,Carrie & Lowell是迄今为止Sufjan最平易近人的一张专辑,他没有用纷杂的电子音效,没有用宏大的管弦乐编排。尽管他是一名忠实的基督徒,但这张专辑中的宗教引用是他前所未有的易懂。他重新拿起班卓和吉他,用简单的和弦编排,真实动人的人生故事,为我们奉上了他...

(搬运+翻译)Album Review by Pitchfork onSufjan Stevens' Carrie&Lowell
Sufjan Stevens' new album, Carrie & Lowell, is his best. This is a big claim, considering his career: 2003's Michigan, 2004's stripped-down Seven Swans, 2005's Illinois, and 2010's knotty electro-acoustic collection The Age of Adz. He's also had residen...

(搬运+翻译)Review by Pitchfork onSufjan Stevens' No Shade in the Shadow of the Cross
Once again, Sufjan Stevens is finger-picking and whisper-singing to guide us towards cold moments of solitude and reverence. It's comforting to hear his voice again, like it's inches from the ear. "No Shade in the Shadow of the Cross" seems like a reflexive...

(搬运+翻译)Review by Pitchfork onSufjan Stevens' Should Have Known Better
As the snow melts and the season turns, here comes Sufjan Stevens to remind us that everything dies. His new album, Carrie & Lowell, is centered around the death of his mother, Carrie, who was in and out of his life from the start. "There's such a discr...

How Not to Listen to the New Sufjan Stevens Album
Can we avoid turning the Brooklyn-based artist and Christian into a poster boy? Joel Heng Hartse / APRIL 1, 2015 Sufjan Stevens released his studio album Carrie and Lowell this week. It’s a record inspired primarily by the death of his estranged mother s...

My security blanket
在身体不舒服的时候会听的一张专辑是Sufjan Stevens的《Carrie & Lowell》。很多专辑对我来说都有特定的功用,有写作业时帮助专心的专辑,有犯困时打起精神的专辑,有生气、烦躁时疏解情绪的专辑,有难过低落时陪伴我的专辑,有冬天御寒的专辑,也有夏天消暑的专辑。《Car...

'Carrie&Lowell' 与所有民谣作品一样,在简洁的曲调和器乐模式下完成高度的情感表达
'Carrie&Lowell' 与所有民谣作品一样,在简洁的曲调和器乐模式下完成高度的情感表达。Sufjan Steven 最私人的工程却联结了普遍人对于死亡、悲痛、创伤等话题的敏感和回避,他的以身作则又给予了非理性的释怀和无声的希望。 专辑中音乐性最拔高的是 'Death with Dignity '、...

FUNNY|ChatGPT评Carrie & Lowell
《Carrie & Lowell》是美国创作型歌手兼作曲家Sufjan Stevens于2015年发布的专辑,以其温暖、质朴的音乐风格和深刻的情感触动了许多人的心弦 这张专辑以Sufjan Stevens的母亲Carrie和继父Lowell的名字命名,歌曲内容探索了他与母亲之间的复杂关系、家庭经历以及对人生、死...

We were born to die We all gonna die
Carrie&Lowell——Sufjan Stevens 爱与死亡是这张专辑的母题,但二者在之中的分量并不等位并列。我认为它值得如此之高的赞誉恰好在于它没有将爱作为情感本位来书写,而是以一种回溯性的姿态——通过直面死亡的在场事实来重新与母亲及其给予的一切——无论是爱还是痛——和...

Pitchfork | Carrie & Lowell
Sufjan Stevens has always written personally, weaving his life story into larger narratives, but here his autobiography is front and center.Carrie & Lowell is a return to the stripped-back folk ofSeven Swans, but with a decade's worth of refinement and ...

《Carrie & Lowell》是创作歌手Sufjan Stevens写给他的母亲的。他的母亲有药瘾、有精神疾病,在他1岁的时候便遗弃了他。2012年,他的母亲去世。2015年,他发了这张专辑。专辑的一个核心主题是无法挽回之物,他对母亲的回忆太少了,他责备自己没有更努力地接近她。有些痛是...

Carrie & Lowell sounds like memory: it spans decades yet does not trade on pastiche or nostalgia. Stevens's gauzy double-tracked vocals wash across the dashboard of long-finned, drop-top Americana, yet as we race towards the coast we are reminded that s...