The Moss的乐评 (2)

THE MOSS歌词全解:完全不是小清新的黑色童话
THE MOSS BY COSMO SHELDRAKE Legend has it that the moss grows on the north side of the trees Legend has it that when the rain comes down, all the worms come up to breathe Legend has it that when the sunbeams come, the plants, they eat them with their leaves...

歌曲很俏皮,编曲中用了很多吹管乐和打击乐,短促又重复的节奏加强了歌曲的韵律感。班卓琴和迪吉里杜管的加入又给歌曲增添了一些民族风味,而电子音乐的基底又令歌曲层次丰富,比起单纯的民族风味音乐多了一些梦幻与现代的风味。 歌词所讲述的真实见闻与脑内妄想以几乎没有变化...