那一世,静室里燃起一瓣心香,香雾中闭上双眼,眼前现出佛的容颜。那一年,崎岖山路磕下长头,肩头落满夕阳的余晖。那一夜,佛殿外摇动转经筒,不经意,听见风送来一声檐铃。那一天,阳光下绕过一片湖,看天光云影,轻荡在湖心。 佛殿上灯火摇曳,香烟缭绕,偶一抬头,冷不防撞见佛的目光。金光明灭之间,那目光若隐若现,却始终静静注视着自己,仿佛穿透一切。 从远方一路走来,推开每一扇大门,只为寻找那盏长明不灭的灯,俯下身去,添上一捧酥油。披荆斩棘,在每一条道路留下足印,只为走到那片一尘不染的蓝天下,仰起头来,投注千年的凝视。 皎洁的月光照在雪山之巅,仿佛绽开一朵空明、剔透的莲花。月光下,双手合十,无边花雨从天而降,落在纳木错的湖心,落在大昭寺的殿檐上,落满一望无际的荒原。 若你听见笛声呜咽,那不是我,那是菩提树在深秋,落...(展开全部) 那一世,静室里燃起一瓣心香,香雾中闭上双眼,眼前现出佛的容颜。那一年,崎岖山路磕下长头,肩头落满夕阳的余晖。那一夜,佛殿外摇动转经筒,不经意,听见风送来一声檐铃。那一天,阳光下绕过一片湖,看天光云影,轻荡在湖心。 佛殿上灯火摇曳,香烟缭绕,偶一抬头,冷不防撞见佛的目光。金光明灭之间,那目光若隐若现,却始终静静注视着自己,仿佛穿透一切。 从远方一路走来,推开每一扇大门,只为寻找那盏长明不灭的灯,俯下身去,添上一捧酥油。披荆斩棘,在每一条道路留下足印,只为走到那片一尘不染的蓝天下,仰起头来,投注千年的凝视。 皎洁的月光照在雪山之巅,仿佛绽开一朵空明、剔透的莲花。月光下,双手合十,无边花雨从天而降,落在纳木错的湖心,落在大昭寺的殿檐上,落满一望无际的荒原。 若你听见笛声呜咽,那不是我,那是菩提树在深秋,落下最后一片叶子。若你听见梵呗缭绕,那,不是我,是朵朵莲花,绽开在天边。 一路行来,心迹宛如莲花,洁白的花瓣在无尽长夜里,闪烁着永恒的光。撷此净莲,供奉佛前,天地万物,悉皆光明。 佛前顶礼膜拜,拜的并不是佛,而是自己这一颗清净向善、愿证无上正等正觉的菩提心。诚如《楞严》所云:“将此深心奉尘刹,是则名为报佛恩。”一路莲花,待打迸心魂一片,奉与世间。 I dreamed I was in a world filled with a haze, like the smoke of a fragrant incense; always perceptible but never quite within reach. In the distance, past a vast lake as still as glass, I saw a mountain shaped like a giant Buddha, or was it a Buddha statue as large as a mountain? I could hear the faint chiming of bells, drawing me toward the mountain. Despite the ever-present haze, the path up the mountain, was clearly marked on either side by small lanterns. I traversed the seemingly endless set of stone steps, the only sounds, my own footfalls, echoing against the perfectly flat slabs of stone and my increasingly labored breathing. I felt the physical presence of a light from atop the mountain, which seemed to pierce me, fill me. After I had climbed for what seemed like hours, I raised my head and suddenly realized that I had reached a small temple. I stepped inside and saw only a single lantern, which for some reason gave me the impression that it had been burning for hundreds of years. Although the temple was surrounded by the snow of the mountain peak, I did not feel cold whatsoever. Upon closer inspection I realized that was is not a lantern, but a lotus flower. It was bright but not blinding, as if concentrating all the light of the moon within a single flower. It was not hot to the touch, yet its glow filled me with warmth. I heard the distant echo of a bamboo flute. Searching for the source of the music, my attention was drawn toward the stone steps, and I realized that each of the lanterns lining the sides had become a white lotus flower as well. I picked one from its post and held it in my hand. One of its gleaming white petals fell to the ground, and was carried away by an invisible wind. I decided to stay there for a while, lying amongst the glistening white snow, which wasn’t in the least bit cold, listening to the hum of the flute and the chime of the bells, wherever they were.
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