Samuel Frederick Smith is an English singer and songwriter. They rose to prominence in October 2012 after being featured on Disclosure's breakthrough single "Latch", which peaked at number eleven on the UK Singles Chart.
They rose to prominence in October 2012 after being featured on Disclosure's breakthrough single "Latch", which peaked at number eleven on the UK Singles Chart.
1 有用 tlmgt 2014-10-05 01:59:38
比《Stay With Me》好
0 有用 RealityBites 2014-05-29 22:40:11
Leave your lover ,Leave him for me.啧啧啧
0 有用 UU 2014-05-30 12:39:59
0 有用 SophieAllison 2022-06-02 10:22:10
0 有用 Ryanne 2014-05-28 22:11:09
0 有用 七九 2022-09-23 10:22:53 重庆
0 有用 momo 2019-02-09 20:30:20
Sam是我印象里活跃歌手里安安静静唱歌的人了。 没有华丽炫酷或是炸裂的音乐效果,就凭着略带沙哑又感性的声线和音色就能俘获一众歌迷的心。 这首歌给我的感觉就像是一位诗人歌手在湖边或者是浪漫的海边,弹着他那把略有岁月痕迹的吉他,静静讲着他的老故事。
0 有用 稚啵721 2021-04-10 14:58:38
They rose to prominence in October 2012 after being featured on Disclosure's breakthrough single "Latch", which peaked at number eleven on the UK Singles Chart.
0 有用 汗炸蛙拿乌鸡 2021-08-13 21:16:52