Dope的乐评 (3)

🔵 2016-10-19 15:39:54


[Intro] 几个凌乱的钢琴音符,先铺垫好情绪。 好像发生过什么,好像又有什么要发生。 [Verse 1] 头两句歌词: Cork's off, it's on The party's just begun. 先交代好,女酒鬼之前刚喝了个烂醉。 背景只有钢琴旋律平铺直叙。 接下来: I promise this drink is my last one, ...  (展开)
夏落森森 2013-12-12 14:00:51

Need you more than Dope

《Dope》是一首感人至深的歌,歌者如此,听者亦然。这首歌第一次登上舞台时名为《I wanna be with you》,在场的观众无不落泪。全曲仅用钢琴与水纹一样暗涌的bassline写成,没有更多华丽的修饰却直达心底最脆弱的部分。曲调黑暗,浑厚的低音把孤独表达得淋漓尽致,仿佛溺水者最...  (展开)
ROXANNE 2013-11-19 00:29:57

Need you more than dope

I love you, too. One of the hardest things that I have to give up was drugs and alcohol, and I'm still have a real hard time with it. But I want to say something about it tonight, because I've watched too many great artists and too many friends ...  (展开)
