A 微妙的节奏波动和器乐演奏太美了,我不懂宗教上的含义,但在十分钟的“allah allah”中确乎体验到了某种重复吟唱中暗藏的无序性——如同悬浮在记忆碎屑的海洋中,或许神性就出自于平常中吧。
A+. 和J. S. Bach共享神性时刻
Visceral, not ethereal; perceptual, against analytical. Sorry if I'm sounding like a dumbass shill, but for me this 62-minutes of music is probably as good as one could hope. In a word: masterpiece. A+
A. 他们沉湎于宗教时的吟唱瞬间把恩雅打成了俗不可耐的北欧城乡结合部大妈.
> Ocean of Remembrance: Sufi Improvisations and Zhikrs
3 有用 Awakening悟 2018-05-06 23:05:56
A 微妙的节奏波动和器乐演奏太美了,我不懂宗教上的含义,但在十分钟的“allah allah”中确乎体验到了某种重复吟唱中暗藏的无序性——如同悬浮在记忆碎屑的海洋中,或许神性就出自于平常中吧。
1 有用 FranGitano 2017-11-21 20:31:44
A+. 和J. S. Bach共享神性时刻
0 有用 desmonte 2023-12-05 22:12:22 美国
0 有用 mori39 2020-06-14 23:17:37
Visceral, not ethereal; perceptual, against analytical. Sorry if I'm sounding like a dumbass shill, but for me this 62-minutes of music is probably as good as one could hope. In a word: masterpiece. A+
0 有用 sky湖叔 2017-11-21 13:32:18
A. 他们沉湎于宗教时的吟唱瞬间把恩雅打成了俗不可耐的北欧城乡结合部大妈.