以下豆列推荐 · · · · · · (全部)
- 迷幻老母鸡 (dØ9CØ3)
- Music collection (Seahorse)
- Prog/Psych Folk (lyz)
- ProgressiveFolk前卫民谣 (echoirisun)
- Psychedelic Folk迷幻民谣《持续施工》 (echoirisun)
feed: rss 2.0
feed: rss 2.0
0 有用 森霖 2022-05-18 20:18:39
0 有用 燕孩孩 2018-03-14 19:37:35
0 有用 Seahorse 2019-05-27 19:33:48
4.5/5 Synanthesia made folk music fun! The 11 tracks collectively create a bucolic aura to the LP on top of which genre-bending experimentations of sound are built and beautifully executed. Not to men... 4.5/5 Synanthesia made folk music fun! The 11 tracks collectively create a bucolic aura to the LP on top of which genre-bending experimentations of sound are built and beautifully executed. Not to mention those melodies that are gorgeous! (展开)
0 有用 echoirisun 2024-02-04 14:44:13 福建
0 有用 Lan 2023-10-23 08:35:23 澳大利亚
0 有用 地 2017-03-18 19:13:53
0 有用 Lan 2023-10-23 08:35:23 澳大利亚
0 有用 Seahorse 2019-05-27 19:33:48
4.5/5 Synanthesia made folk music fun! The 11 tracks collectively create a bucolic aura to the LP on top of which genre-bending experimentations of sound are built and beautifully executed. Not to men... 4.5/5 Synanthesia made folk music fun! The 11 tracks collectively create a bucolic aura to the LP on top of which genre-bending experimentations of sound are built and beautifully executed. Not to mention those melodies that are gorgeous! (展开)
1 有用 萨嘎摩多熊猫桑 2014-10-10 10:15:22
0 有用 燕孩孩 2018-03-14 19:37:35