15个单位以音乐传播和平讯息,以声音高声颁赞和平的美丽,以心意向远方的“他们”送上无限的祝福! 所有歌曲全为了此碟灌录,并不曾在其他专辑中发表,另内附部分歌曲为“叱吒903我们要世界和平”的“真心歌仔”! 《No War Peace On Earth》,一张乘时推出的反战概念大碟 近期世界局势紧张,但笔者我不打算在此谈政治,反而却有兴趣探讨一张以反战为主题的概念大碟 ─ 《No War Peace On Earth》。 在一遍反战声音高唱入云的时候,这张杂锦大碟可以说是乘时推出,十三首各具不同特色的歌曲和音乐人,却旗帜鲜明地表达着同一个讯息,是一张主题统一整的作品集,而本碟另一特色就是所有收录的曲目都是全新作品,并未在任何其他同类专辑中发表过的。 众音乐人都是抱着一条心,以他们的音乐传达...(展开全部) 15个单位以音乐传播和平讯息,以声音高声颁赞和平的美丽,以心意向远方的“他们”送上无限的祝福! 所有歌曲全为了此碟灌录,并不曾在其他专辑中发表,另内附部分歌曲为“叱吒903我们要世界和平”的“真心歌仔”! 《No War Peace On Earth》,一张乘时推出的反战概念大碟 近期世界局势紧张,但笔者我不打算在此谈政治,反而却有兴趣探讨一张以反战为主题的概念大碟 ─ 《No War Peace On Earth》。 在一遍反战声音高唱入云的时候,这张杂锦大碟可以说是乘时推出,十三首各具不同特色的歌曲和音乐人,却旗帜鲜明地表达着同一个讯息,是一张主题统一整的作品集,而本碟另一特色就是所有收录的曲目都是全新作品,并未在任何其他同类专辑中发表过的。 众音乐人都是抱着一条心,以他们的音乐传达和平讯息,作曲人兼结他手Joey Tang(邓健明)的“童谣”选择用自己的强项 ─六弦结他去唤醒世人的一份童心,正因为“童言”无忌的道理,这种较为间接的落墨方法就更易为人所接受,歌曲旋律简单易明。,在非常时刻,Joey Tang宁可选易舍难,还有心情卖弄弹奏技巧吗? 林一峰的“上帝笑了”,以及前身为“鹿鸣春”的香港独立乐队“假音人”所演绎的“看清楚”则以不同角度去看同一件事,前者将这个战争与和平裁决诉诸于神灵,并企图以神的意旨去解放人的心灵斗门争。,林一峰为其他歌手度身作曲,可以很有商业味,;但唱回自己的作品时,却有浓厚的新派民歌色彩,仿佛就是第二代之区瑞强。而后者“假音人”的“看清楚”则有半点讥讽之味,完全不留手。 至于其他歌曲如Oliver 的“Save Our Souls” 、Starfrut 的 “Everybody's Fault”、PixelToy 的 “Get them out of the Cloud”及亚里安的“WWW” 等的词都写得很正接,不转弯抹角。 这张《No War Peace On Earth》绝对不是一张无矢放的之作,各位大可以抱着一份平常心去欣赏本碟!而且更不祗用“眼”去看歌词、用“耳”去听旋律,最好还要准备一个平和的“心灵”,去好好反思生命的意义。 推荐曲目:“看清楚”、“上帝笑了”、“WWW”、“Save Our Souls”
Get Them Out Of The Cloud
I dont think I understand What they have said or think.I thought we knew that's wrong,everyone would escape
Their eyes are not focused,and they misplace the caseBattle ...Get Them Out Of The Cloud
I dont think I understand What they have said or think.I thought we knew that's wrong,everyone would escape
Their eyes are not focused,and they misplace the caseBattle with on winner,everyone lost their way.
They are jus(展开)
Get Them Out Of The Cloud
I dont think I understand What they have said or think.I thought we knew that's wrong,everyone would escape
Their eyes are not focused,and they misplace the caseBattle ...Get Them Out Of The Cloud
I dont think I understand What they have said or think.I thought we knew that's wrong,everyone would escape
Their eyes are not focused,and they misplace the caseBattle with on winner,everyone lost their way.
They are jus(展开)
0 有用 drian 2008-11-12 16:15:27
0 有用 Auster 2008-11-23 04:50:59
Get Them Out Of The Cloud I dont think I understand What they have said or think.I thought we knew that's wrong,everyone would escape Their eyes are not focused,and they misplace the caseBattle ... Get Them Out Of The Cloud I dont think I understand What they have said or think.I thought we knew that's wrong,everyone would escape Their eyes are not focused,and they misplace the caseBattle with on winner,everyone lost their way. They are jus (展开)
0 有用 夜舞 2013-02-27 13:44:22
0 有用 Auster 2008-11-23 04:50:59
Get Them Out Of The Cloud I dont think I understand What they have said or think.I thought we knew that's wrong,everyone would escape Their eyes are not focused,and they misplace the caseBattle ... Get Them Out Of The Cloud I dont think I understand What they have said or think.I thought we knew that's wrong,everyone would escape Their eyes are not focused,and they misplace the caseBattle with on winner,everyone lost their way. They are jus (展开)
0 有用 drian 2008-11-12 16:15:27
0 有用 夜舞 2013-02-27 13:44:22