Amy Diamond, born in Sweden 1992-04-15, was living in England until she was four and a half years old. She began singing at the age of one and without as much as one single singing lesson she has created a brilliant voice with lots of personality. Amy is calm, self-confident and secure and is therefore by many people considered a wonder-child. Amy has a very important, ...(展开全部) Amy Diamond, born in Sweden 1992-04-15, was living in England until she was four and a half years old. She began singing at the age of one and without as much as one single singing lesson she has created a brilliant voice with lots of personality. Amy is calm, self-confident and secure and is therefore by many people considered a wonder-child. Amy has a very important, almost crucial talent for someone who is going to become an extraordinary successful artist, which on top of that is rare for such a young talent, that is what is called voice identity. With unique vocal maturity, and being used to perform on stage, she sings securely and calmly with personality and balance. Experienced through several stage performances, Amy early developed as an artist and has been compared to Carola as a young talent. Amy Diamond是近年新兴的少女歌手,1992年於英国出生,后来移居到瑞典一直到现在,在4岁的时候Amy就开口唱歌,自信的她在儿时就展现与生俱来的天赋,2000年的时候第一次登台 表演,这些年也参加了8项比次,当中就赢了7次,在8到11岁的时候Amy接受相关的课程并曾参与 音乐剧的演出,Amy的首张专辑 This Is Me Now 在瑞典大获成功达到金唱片的销量,也挺进了排 行榜的好望角,这个结果对於一位小女孩的第一次发声着实难得,Amy在专辑中展现乾净却强劲的 歌喉及精湛的歌艺,如果不是若隐若现的稚气嗓音,音感极佳和缩放自如的演唱技巧,充满现代感的铺陈几乎要以为这是张成年女歌手的作品.
尤其喜欢Graduation Song,很有感觉! 毕业在即,This is where the road turns ,Enter a new world 四年的朝夕相处,有喜,有悲,在这个六月,我们将走向不同的道路,进入一个新的世界, Did you have the time of your life? This is where the road turns My friend, ...
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