Bird on Fingerlings: “This was scraped together from a number of board tapes that just happened to sound good. It starts off with some early solo shows to duo shows with Nora while on tour with the Handsome Family in Europe in 2001. It builds up to a particularly raucus whiskey/adrenaline fueled show at the Hideout with the Bowl of Fire. “You get a lot of songs that mig...(展开全部) Bird on Fingerlings: “This was scraped together from a number of board tapes that just happened to sound good. It starts off with some early solo shows to duo shows with Nora while on tour with the Handsome Family in Europe in 2001. It builds up to a particularly raucus whiskey/adrenaline fueled show at the Hideout with the Bowl of Fire. “You get a lot of songs that might otherwise never see the light of day. Some of the more questionable subject-matter that I write for my own entertainment and that might threaten to undermine my integrity as a songwriter (smirk). The show in Tilburg, Nora can’t even recall as she had a fever of 102’. It all hangs together pretty well, I think” 手持小提琴的Singer/Songwriter突然间流行起来? 这么说其实对Andrew Bird不太公平,毕竟早从98年的首张专辑Thrills开始,这名来自芝加哥的小提琴手与自己的伴奏乐队就醉心於弦乐为主导的民谣摇滚曲子。但这两年的Patrick Wolf、Final Fantasy等新近乐手却让人恍然大悟,原来这些边拉小提琴、边唱著优美曲调的Singer/Songwriter竟是如此充满魅力。 早期的Andrew Bird专辑曲风相当广泛,不论是轻爵士或摇摆乐都是他涉猎的对象,歌曲是略带摇滚风味的Pop Rock。不论是清新的民谣曲风、带著吉普赛风味的流浪歌曲或情绪翻腾的畅快弦乐摇滚,Andrew Bird能将这些音乐安排的滑顺可口,就像一颗七分熟的蛋,打碎时还有香软的蛋黄流出。 Andrew Bird的嗓子天生给人易於亲近的感觉,带点慵懒与漫不经心,加上这些小巧温暖的编曲手法与经过五张专辑历练后谱出的动听旋律,Mysterious Production of Eggs毫无疑问是让人爱不释手的唱片。
0 有用 在你眼前 2010-12-16 21:01:31
pure and great
0 有用 surely 2009-04-22 03:46:38
0 有用 Mia 2017-07-21 13:48:37
0 有用 Taecomme 2021-04-02 09:38:54
8.4/10 好甜
0 有用 阿芋 2010-07-02 19:22:56
0 有用 一脸美人痣 2009-03-04 12:59:31
0 有用 Taecomme 2021-04-02 09:38:54
8.4/10 好甜
0 有用 大佑 2012-02-17 17:34:29
0 有用 裸の王様。 2009-04-19 19:48:49
0 有用 來 生 2013-10-31 00:07:47