I Wish 短评

热门 最新
  • 0 ナマグサボウズ 2011-09-30 23:41:52


  • 0 胖蛋 2012-09-30 13:50:18


  • 0 鶴景 2010-02-19 20:49:11


  • 0 野树 2023-11-13 18:59:30 北京

    Most of the songs in this CD are Chinese - the most beautiful one " I want to be a swallow" this is a very old song from 70's originally sung by a famous Chinese sopronal named "Li Gu Yi". Its beautiful, a little sad though, that's the number 9 in this CD is another version of the same song but with happier tune also has children's chrous....

  • 0 卷卷卷 2013-08-01 21:52:47

    Nice Record!

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