This is the way you left me, 如你所愿,永不再见
I'm not pretending, 我却不知如何掩饰悲伤
No hope, no love, no glory, 无望,无求,无爱,无恨
No happy ending 永无天日
This is the way that we love,
Like it's forever, 相爱时仿佛天长地久
Then live the rest of our life
But not together. 转眼间却永不相守
Wake up in the morning, 清晨醒来
Stumble on my life, 命中变故不期而至
Can't get no love,
Without sacrifice. 没有牺牲哪得真爱,我又怎会不知?
If anything should happen, 但只为那一眼
I guess I wish you well, 我愿坠入无间
Hmm a little bit of heaven, 甘之如饴
with a little bit of hell. 至死不渝
This is the hardest story,
That I've ever told, 这是最深的痛,未语声先歇
No hope or love or glory, 无望无念,心死如灰
Happy endings,
Gone, for ever more,灼灼年华,一夜似秋霜
I, feel as if I'm wasting,
And I've, wasted every day.看千里韶光亦难得,能否借以遣我怀?
Two o'clock in the morning, 初醒夜深沉
Something's on my mind, 茫然四面望
Can't get no rest,
Keep walking around. 情已逝,爱已亡
If I pretend that nothing
Ever went wrong, 我若假装一切如常
I can get to my sleep,
I can think that we just carried on. 是否就能安然无恙?
Happy Ending 我作了个曲解的翻译
> 我来回应