Ring the alarms — 98 Degrees are back with a new single! It’s been quite a moment for our best-loved ’90s boy bands, hasn’t it? Today marks the 15th anniversary of the release of NSYNC‘s debut, and New Kids On The Block came back just a minute ago with an absolutely brilliant new video, and we have no idea what Nick Carter is up to but it’s bound to be something good, and now...(展开全部) Ring the alarms — 98 Degrees are back with a new single! It’s been quite a moment for our best-loved ’90s boy bands, hasn’t it? Today marks the 15th anniversary of the release of NSYNC‘s debut, and New Kids On The Block came back just a minute ago with an absolutely brilliant new video, and we have no idea what Nick Carter is up to but it’s bound to be something good, and now a new 98 Degrees song, too? The gods have truly smiled upon us. We are blessed.
So how is this new 98 Degrees single? Well, it’s very modern! The production is big and nicely pummeling, and conceptually, the song is built around a double entendre about microphones that’s kind of uncomfortable (sample lyric: “Put this in your hands / And hold it up to your lips / We could be a two-piece band / And make some hits while you sing in this microphone”), and while it’s no “Give Me Just One Night (Una Noche),” it does the job, surely, of satiating fans with their first new song in 10 years.
0 有用 20个小明≯ 2013-04-06 23:11:49
0 有用 Taecomme 2020-02-27 15:23:29
0 有用 MR.馬可·白 2013-04-03 16:58:22
是太迎合市场了。。希望专辑别这样。。 ps 不会是 MAX MARTIN制作的吧 。。
0 有用 枕枕枕头 2013-04-03 12:56:28
boy band咋都爱电子和DIOCSO呢????
0 有用 停用豆瓣勿cue 2013-03-23 16:37:22
都变成大叔了啊T_T 音质略糟糕的试听 http://dou.bz/1GV6v8
0 有用 雪梨 2013-04-09 13:03:55
0 有用 枕枕枕头 2013-04-03 12:56:28
boy band咋都爱电子和DIOCSO呢????
0 有用 leomolink 2013-05-16 17:03:29
0 有用 Bennie 2013-04-06 21:09:05
0 有用 20个小明≯ 2013-04-06 23:11:49