Ma Sicong is remembered today as a leading violinist, composer and teacher who devoted his life to creating a new national identity for Chinese music. He pioneered the use of folk idioms, often adopting fragments or motifs from folk tunes and crafting them into his own musical writing. His vast output includes symphonies, concertos, chamber music, operas and ballet music as w...(展开全部) Ma Sicong is remembered today as a leading violinist, composer and teacher who devoted his life to creating a new national identity for Chinese music. He pioneered the use of folk idioms, often adopting fragments or motifs from folk tunes and crafting them into his own musical writing. His vast output includes symphonies, concertos, chamber music, operas and ballet music as well as various forms of vocal music. Of this extensive output, Ma’s violin music is widely regarded as one of his most important contributions. This is the first release in the Naxos Chinese Classics series.
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Dragon Lantern Dance, for violin & piano
Mountain Song, for violin & piano
Madrigal, for violin & piano
Inner Mongolian Suite (Suiyuan Suite), for violin & piano, Op. 9: 1. Epic
Inner Mongolian Suite (Suiyuan Suite), for violin & piano, Op. 9: 2. Nostalgia
Inner Mongolian Suite (Suiyuan Suite), for violin & piano, Op. 9: 3. Dances beyond the Frontier
Lullaby, for violin & piano
Lantern Festival Dance, for violin & piano
Amei Suite, for violin & piano: 1. Spring
Amei Suite, for violin & piano: 2. Solitude
Amei Suite, for violin & piano: 3. Mountain Song
Amei Suite, for violin & piano: 4. Moon
Amei Suite, for violin & piano: 5. Dancing along the Hillside
Rondo No. 1, for violin & piano
Tone Poem of Tibet, for violin & piano: 1. Legend Telling
Tone Poem of Tibet, for violin & piano: 2. Lamasery
Tone Poem of Tibet, for violin & piano: 3. Sword Dance
1 有用 schonne 2007-10-21 18:35:48
1 有用 乌十三 2022-08-15 15:33:38
0 有用 來 生 2011-04-04 08:15:12
0 有用 大尾巴李 2020-05-12 11:24:56
0 有用 脑震荡 2010-12-31 17:05:15
他的音乐饱含对祖国的深情,对生命的赞美,充满希望;他的人生却饱受摧残迫害,他曾深爱的祖国令他绝望。1967年文革中马思聪因不堪折磨流亡海外,之后被四人帮定罪为“叛国投敌”,其二哥跳楼身亡,岳母,侄女,厨师先后被迫害致死。1985年得以平反,两年后马思聪因病在美国逝世。离世之前,马思聪曾将《晚霞》完稿并交人带回国内,希望能在北京演出;他写信说:“《晚霞》颇有雅俗共赏的好处”。只是,马思聪认为的,“如... 他的音乐饱含对祖国的深情,对生命的赞美,充满希望;他的人生却饱受摧残迫害,他曾深爱的祖国令他绝望。1967年文革中马思聪因不堪折磨流亡海外,之后被四人帮定罪为“叛国投敌”,其二哥跳楼身亡,岳母,侄女,厨师先后被迫害致死。1985年得以平反,两年后马思聪因病在美国逝世。离世之前,马思聪曾将《晚霞》完稿并交人带回国内,希望能在北京演出;他写信说:“《晚霞》颇有雅俗共赏的好处”。只是,马思聪认为的,“如果安排好的话”,应当出现的“适当时刻”,一直没有“出现”。 (展开)
0 有用 來 生 2011-04-04 08:15:12
1 有用 乌十三 2022-08-15 15:33:38
0 有用 大尾巴李 2020-05-12 11:24:56
1 有用 schonne 2007-10-21 18:35:48
0 有用 脑震荡 2010-12-31 17:05:15
他的音乐饱含对祖国的深情,对生命的赞美,充满希望;他的人生却饱受摧残迫害,他曾深爱的祖国令他绝望。1967年文革中马思聪因不堪折磨流亡海外,之后被四人帮定罪为“叛国投敌”,其二哥跳楼身亡,岳母,侄女,厨师先后被迫害致死。1985年得以平反,两年后马思聪因病在美国逝世。离世之前,马思聪曾将《晚霞》完稿并交人带回国内,希望能在北京演出;他写信说:“《晚霞》颇有雅俗共赏的好处”。只是,马思聪认为的,“如... 他的音乐饱含对祖国的深情,对生命的赞美,充满希望;他的人生却饱受摧残迫害,他曾深爱的祖国令他绝望。1967年文革中马思聪因不堪折磨流亡海外,之后被四人帮定罪为“叛国投敌”,其二哥跳楼身亡,岳母,侄女,厨师先后被迫害致死。1985年得以平反,两年后马思聪因病在美国逝世。离世之前,马思聪曾将《晚霞》完稿并交人带回国内,希望能在北京演出;他写信说:“《晚霞》颇有雅俗共赏的好处”。只是,马思聪认为的,“如果安排好的话”,应当出现的“适当时刻”,一直没有“出现”。 (展开)