Home的乐评 (2)
Another summer day
And I feel just like I'm living Someone else's life It's like I just stepped outside When everything was going right And I know just why You could not come along with me This was not your dream But you always believed in me... Another winter day Has come an...
i will be home
借了一百给大胖子买P4,又借一百给钱存奥回家。 再看看自己的钱包,发现只剩下50了。 好在我买了车票。还能回家。 爸爸问我要不要过来接我,我说:年底了,路上车多。就不要过来了。再说,我有车票呢。 一年又过去了。 要过年了,外面的人都要回家了。 今晚,在暖暖的图...