If world power was delineated not according to wealth or fame but by musical output, Suede would be emperors. At least most of the time. This exclusive fan club release showcases eight live and acoustic songs from the Coming Up through Head Music eras and — well, to be upfront about this — its shifts between descending intimacy to euphoric hedonism are only about one inch sho...(展开全部) If world power was delineated not according to wealth or fame but by musical output, Suede would be emperors. At least most of the time. This exclusive fan club release showcases eight live and acoustic songs from the Coming Up through Head Music eras and — well, to be upfront about this — its shifts between descending intimacy to euphoric hedonism are only about one inch short of astonishing. The lilt of "Since You Went Away" or the ten-hooked dance culture celebration of "Beautiful Ones" sound as potent as any band on the rise. Better, Brett Anderson's voice resonates almost as strong as in those tortuous Dog Man Star years while Richard Oakes — free from the rhythmic feedback of his studio performances — plays an acoustic guitar with the sober grace of someone, frankly, twice his age. Phwoar. This is the kind of music that makes you want to follow the band down the streets of London just to randomly shove money into their pockets. Seductive, brutal, and elegant — Suede is so beautiful they could stop world wars.
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Since You Went Away 3:18
Can't Get Enough 4:16
Beautiful Ones 3:45
Everything Will Flow 4:25
Savoir Faire 4:36
By The Sea 4:12
Saturday Night 5:09
Another No One 3:15
Track 2, 3, 5, 7 recorded live at Asylum Studios, Perivale, 16th April 1999
Track 8 recorded live on I.D.F. Radio, Israel, 7th June 1997
为什么主页没有显示歌目表 那我就更新一下吧 01 Since You Went Away (live) 02 Can't Get Enough (live) 03 Beautiful Ones (live) 04 Everything Will flow (live) 05 Savoir Faire (live) 06 By The Sea (live) 07 Saturday Night...
1 有用 光年‖影视歌三栖民工 2010-08-29 20:39:25
1 有用 我要改名字了 2012-01-20 18:41:19
0 有用 小刺猬 2013-06-17 12:34:44
!!!!!!!好赞! 公车上都要扭起来了>v< 好囧
1 有用 胡桃园咔嚓女王代表老柴咔了你 2012-07-22 01:33:02
这张是咋回事。。。肿么BEAUTIFUL ONE感觉节奏太快了。。。。
0 有用 孙道德 2014-06-16 16:41:50
0 有用 黑泥小火炉 2020-12-15 13:35:28
@2016-03-17 12:39:11
0 有用 木讷小牛 2019-10-14 18:35:07
《Savoir Faire》咋没有伴唱啊? 《Everything Will Flow》的吉他咋没有提琴好听啊? 《Since You Went Away》最适合不插电🤔
0 有用 孤柏岩上的树 2020-06-19 02:49:58
QQ音乐客户端。少了Track 2, 3, 5, 7 recorded live at Asylum Studios, Perivale, 16th April 1999;Track 8 recorded live on I.D.F. Radio, Israel, 7th June 1997
0 有用 乜啊 2021-03-28 12:24:43
0 有用 tfarcevolsruoy 2019-06-23 23:25:05
这一版everything will flow的吉他太好听了!