介绍转自verycd Amy Diamond是新兴的13岁少女歌手 , 1992年于英国出生 , 后来移居到瑞典一直到现在 , 在4岁的时候Amy就开口唱歌 , 自信的她在儿时就展现与生俱来的天赋 , 2000年的时候第一次登台表演 , 这些年也参加了8项比赛 , 当中就赢了7次 , 在8到11岁的时候Amy接受相关的课程并曾参与音乐剧的演出 , Amy的首张专辑 "This Is Me Now" 在瑞典大获成功达到金唱片的销量 , 也挺进了排行榜的好望角 , 这个结果对于一位小女孩的第一次发声着实难得 , Amy在专辑中展现乾净却强劲的歌喉及精湛的歌艺 , 如果不是若隐若现的稚气嗓音 , 音感极佳和缩放自如的演唱技巧 , 充满现代感的铺陈几乎要以为这是张成年女歌手的作品 ! Amy Diamond was born on...(展开全部) 介绍转自verycd Amy Diamond是新兴的13岁少女歌手 , 1992年于英国出生 , 后来移居到瑞典一直到现在 , 在4岁的时候Amy就开口唱歌 , 自信的她在儿时就展现与生俱来的天赋 , 2000年的时候第一次登台表演 , 这些年也参加了8项比赛 , 当中就赢了7次 , 在8到11岁的时候Amy接受相关的课程并曾参与音乐剧的演出 , Amy的首张专辑 "This Is Me Now" 在瑞典大获成功达到金唱片的销量 , 也挺进了排行榜的好望角 , 这个结果对于一位小女孩的第一次发声着实难得 , Amy在专辑中展现乾净却强劲的歌喉及精湛的歌艺 , 如果不是若隐若现的稚气嗓音 , 音感极佳和缩放自如的演唱技巧 , 充满现代感的铺陈几乎要以为这是张成年女歌手的作品 ! Amy Diamond was born on April 15, 1992 in Norrkoping, Sweden but was living in England until she was four and half years old. She then moved back to Sweden with her family. According to the official website Amy started to sing when she was only one years old but on what level is unknown. Her first TV performance was in the Swedish program "Småstjärnorna" (The small stars). It's a TV-program where the kids is doing a performance and trying to mime an artist of their choice. During the years she has competed in eight talent shows and won seven of them. And that tells a lot of how great she is. During 2005 Amy Diamond became a real star with great success and she released many great hits like "What's in it for me", "Welcome to the City", "Champion", "Shooting Star" and "Don't Cry your heart out". "What's in it for me" was the greatest hit and was very popular in the Nordic countries and achieved the status of most played song by mid 2005 in Poland. Amy Diamond was also nominated to several awards with this hit during this year such as Grammis, Rockbjornen, NRJ Awards, Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards and Nordic Hit Music Awards (You can see a clip from that award here). During the summer she got a contract with Warner Music and her first Album, "This Is Me Now" was released at the end of the summer.
0 有用 Luna甜茶玫瑰 2010-10-12 15:55:28
0 有用 miss tree 2010-01-15 02:13:08
0 有用 小能喵 2012-06-20 14:58:23
声音有一股稚气 很特别.不知道会不会变呢.
0 有用 mjiawei10 2010-11-09 09:13:42
太幼齒了。Shooting Star
0 有用 佐罗大王🌸 2011-04-18 21:09:29
0 有用 凯蒂在梦游 2012-01-29 17:31:31
0 有用 恰妮斯虫 2014-12-21 15:38:36
0 有用 小能喵 2012-06-20 14:58:23
声音有一股稚气 很特别.不知道会不会变呢.
0 有用 婉菁 2011-05-23 18:17:11
13岁就有这样的唱腔和技巧 特别是翻唱If I Ain't Got You 难得的不输原唱 包括情感
0 有用 Luna甜茶玫瑰 2010-10-12 15:55:28