Native的乐评 (7)

密歇根伪球迷 2014-10-07 00:31:05


这里面每首歌都十分赞,尤其是Counting Stars,Feel Again,I lived,What you wanted,Something I Need每首歌从曲调到歌词都给人一种震撼心灵的感觉,所有的歌全部直抒胸臆,引发对自己的思考,这是那些无痛呻吟的很多歌手都做不到的。每首歌都似诗,让人的心灵感同身受,这...  (展开)
战场原怜 2020-03-03 15:31:18


最近我总是辗转反侧难以入眠,对我们曾有过的愿景浮想联翩。但亲爱的,我早已在内心深处祈祷着祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中。我们可以细数满天繁星,细数满天繁星,品味生活乐趣。 生活就像一株跃动的藤蔓,长驱直入激活我的内心,在我脸上划过迹象,遍寻之后你能发现。我虽...  (展开)
杨洋 2014-08-14 16:24:37

Counting Stars 数星星

Counting Stars 数星星 Performed by OneRepublic Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep 最近阿 我总是失眠 Dreaming about the things that we could be 织著我们的梦想 But baby, I've been, I've been playing hard, 但是宝贝阿 我总是一直很努力 Sitting, no more ...  (展开)
2015-03-02 20:25:17


这张专辑百听不厌,应该说r胖的歌基本都是我的菜。这里面我最喜欢的一首并不是大热的Counting Stars,而是If I Lose Myself。那时候还不是党员,只是随便听的时候听到这首歌,说实话,当时就被折服,很是震撼,有一种从黑暗中走出来的感觉,单曲循环了很久。 但当时并没有对1R...  (展开)
Wendy 2013-05-20 07:49:21

consistently good

I would give 4.5 star. OneRepublic's album is filled with consistently good things. "If I lost myself" is very expressive, I'm sure if I heard this song in a club, I could dance indulgently to it and totally lose myself. Perhaps that missing half star is ...  (展开)
竹隐灬兼修 2013-11-23 13:20:52


I don't know the city, but it isn't at home, but you say i'm lucky, to love someting that love me. 温温柔柔地抒情 缓缓的叙述那个时候在大城市中打拼的艰辛 但是还是很幸福 因为一直坚持自己喜欢的东西 以前的歌听多少遍都不会厌烦………… 但现在if i lost myself t...  (展开)
慕思意 2013-12-13 15:20:26


  【counting stars】   I feel something so right,but doing the wrong thing.   I feel something so wrong,but doing the right thing.   Everything that kills me makes feel alive.   Everything that downs me makes me wanna fly.      【I lived】  ...  (展开)
