很喜欢《西界》,an underestimated album of JJ, or it is just too advance of its time. In retrospect, it reveals the rebellious side of a talented songwriter and singer. It recorded a 26-year old JJ, and I love Westside and The Killa and the dark side exploration of him. The market performance may not be satisfactory, but it IS an excellent album.
0 有用 做公民 2020-08-21 17:38:18
0 有用 重看计划 2023-07-05 23:34:39 湖南
0 有用 无星 2008-01-04 20:52:33
0 有用 千里传银 2007-12-28 13:21:09
0 有用 暮聆秋雨 2007-07-13 14:05:59
0 有用 aiyue 2007-09-08 23:10:32
0 有用 苏然 2007-07-25 22:58:34
0 有用 杜某 2007-11-27 22:24:05
0 有用 Kate 2018-11-26 04:40:44
很喜欢《西界》,an underestimated album of JJ, or it is just too advance of its time. In retrospect, it reveals the rebellious side of a talented songwriter and singer. It recorded a 26-year old JJ, and I love Westside and The Killa and the dark side exploration of him. The market performance may not be satisfactory, but it IS an excellent album.