ワークシャイや小田和正,森夕など各国の人々の曲をニューヨークのスタジオで録音。そのせいか,かなりアシッド・ジャズっぽいファンク感覚を持った曲が多い。意欲は窺えるが残念ながら本領を発揮し切れていないのでは。日本語や英語の歌も魅力に欠ける。 " We are all one, existing on this earth but in order for us to truly live and have a better future it is of the utmost importance that we share and give of ourselves to one another. Only through this path can we evolve into better human beings. This al...(展开全部) ワークシャイや小田和正,森夕など各国の人々の曲をニューヨークのスタジオで録音。そのせいか,かなりアシッド・ジャズっぽいファンク感覚を持った曲が多い。意欲は窺えるが残念ながら本領を発揮し切れていないのでは。日本語や英語の歌も魅力に欠ける。 " We are all one, existing on this earth but in order for us to truly live and have a better future it is of the utmost importance that we share and give of ourselves to one another. Only through this path can we evolve into better human beings. This album is my attempt to enter into a dialogue with you and share my innermost feelings. To be totally honest and reveal myself in the spirit of love and compassion. No fear, no guilt, no shame... by looking inside we discover our inner self, in it's true form with all it's weaknesses and defects. But these are just norms imposed on us by society, hence a little rebellion is necessary in order for us to break away and see our true self in a different light. The music in this album embodies such a space. It is representative of the harmonious sharing of Eastern and Western cultures... the mingling of divergent people in a colorful collaboration as they come from all over Asia, United States and the United Kingdom. May love, peace and happiness be there for everyone to embrace. " --SANDY LAM '95
1 有用 普通美 2013-01-27 00:12:05
4 有用 黄廷希 2011-10-27 00:51:42
0 有用 吴花果 2009-04-11 18:26:14
曲子在那时应该很新潮的 不过 你干嘛唱那么多日文歌
3 有用 NeonBible 2013-08-14 23:00:34
从《Tokyo Gray Line》就可以听出这张明显走的是西洋风格,不过其实已经可以看到林忆莲之后风格的一些踪迹
7 有用 采样蟑螂 2022-05-02 23:28:13
确定是我莲制作水平最强的专辑,器乐质感纯正,听不出一点xing味儿,Remember生涯最佳单曲,说明东方音乐只有和Spiritual Jazz才能混合出最高级的质感,日语和一些快歌演绎稍有瑕疵。这张和顺子debut是已迪华语唱片中最接近Janet Jackson和Erykah Badu水平的存在。
0 有用 LD 2024-11-04 02:24:56 江西
0 有用 momo 2024-10-19 14:22:50 安徽
0 有用 suueisknwix 2024-10-26 01:33:30 浙江
第一次逛卢浮宫 没有什么特别的感觉 因为我早已遇见我的蒙娜丽莎…
0 有用 宆亗 2024-10-17 22:02:56 重庆
0 有用 沼 2024-10-13 21:12:25 浙江