Sognami的乐评 (2)

13. Bile Bile aka knowingly 会意 (意大利美声版廊桥遗梦......)
(turkish 女) Bir arada olabilmek ne mümkün//What is possible to be together//在一起会有可能么 Bir arada kalabilmek imkansiz//Impossible to stay together//不可能在一起的 Seneler alip gitmis, ne var ne yoksa herseyi.//years have gone, taking with them,all w...

2. I Sussurri Del Mare aka whispre of the sea 海的细语
A noi gente dai piccoli passi //We people from small steps //我们一步一步走来 E dai grandi sforzi fatti per proseguire //And the great efforts made to continue //努力继续前行 Basterebbe una spiaggia di pace ogni tanto // //Would take a beach of peace from ...