云卷云舒,鸿鹄翔空。峰峦叠嶂迷蒙里,远的蒸腾,近的苍莽,耳听得山涧潺潺,雀鸟关关。谷声里回荡的是幽谧,心绪中满溢着恬淡。也有情调悠长的丝竹、铿锵击节的鼓乐,那是六位年轻音乐人灵性的抒发,青春的呼吸依循自然的声息,收于天然,放于自在,收放自如,融凝天地万般造化。珠玉落盘的琵琶,悠长沉敛的笛箫,诉尽衷肠的二胡,珠圆玉润的筝音,古朴典雅的古琴,还有奔腾轰鸣的大鼓,各放异彩,经典纷呈。山川,四季,花木,虫豸,变幻化境,随性而动。 切身的辽远意境,熨帖的空灵韵律,心物合一,皆在此间。 听着看着海棠滴露,雨打芭蕉,花香袭人,寂寞梧桐……剥开层层胸臆;想着念着空山鸟语,春江花月,烟波浩渺,大浪淘沙……酝酿重重情境。在一重一重的音律化境里,神思渐渐徐缓,经络慢慢松弛,一幕幕音画相随,如在眼前。空寂山谷中回响着或轻或重的叹息;淙淙流水抚摸着...(展开全部) 云卷云舒,鸿鹄翔空。峰峦叠嶂迷蒙里,远的蒸腾,近的苍莽,耳听得山涧潺潺,雀鸟关关。谷声里回荡的是幽谧,心绪中满溢着恬淡。也有情调悠长的丝竹、铿锵击节的鼓乐,那是六位年轻音乐人灵性的抒发,青春的呼吸依循自然的声息,收于天然,放于自在,收放自如,融凝天地万般造化。珠玉落盘的琵琶,悠长沉敛的笛箫,诉尽衷肠的二胡,珠圆玉润的筝音,古朴典雅的古琴,还有奔腾轰鸣的大鼓,各放异彩,经典纷呈。山川,四季,花木,虫豸,变幻化境,随性而动。 切身的辽远意境,熨帖的空灵韵律,心物合一,皆在此间。 听着看着海棠滴露,雨打芭蕉,花香袭人,寂寞梧桐……剥开层层胸臆;想着念着空山鸟语,春江花月,烟波浩渺,大浪淘沙……酝酿重重情境。在一重一重的音律化境里,神思渐渐徐缓,经络慢慢松弛,一幕幕音画相随,如在眼前。空寂山谷中回响着或轻或重的叹息;淙淙流水抚摸着起伏不定的意绪;万里碧空驰骋着想入非非的神思;悠悠白云寄托着万籁俱寂的逸致。天、地、人,融化在音乐晕染的宁静里,你中有我,我中有你,吟唱着风流云转万物协一的衷曲。 是时候停驻脚步。预留一间心房,将蕴藉注入,推开一扇心门,让遐想放飞,在无边的喧嚣尘世中,觅一个宁静的心怀,沉浸到花香鸟语和山野清风里。这是奔波后的休憩,劳碌中的浮想,是耳畔边、胸腔里的音乐桃花源。 从华夏美感中而来,又化入山河水墨时光中。大漠与塞外,岭南与江南,天山,草原,水村,山郭,海寮,足迹遍布,气息流传。这些音乐的精灵们,追溯千年来乐律气韵,品尝全新演绎体验,人、自然、艺术、生活,水乳交融。 古长城,居庸关下,山谷中。此次有幸得到中国传媒大学曾田力教授支持,于居庸书苑旁,完全天然灌录,又获中国写意画家梁雪英女士以画作相助,既追古意,又发新声。著名音乐制作人叶云川大胆探索,极富创意,联手六位青春灵动演奏家赵晓霞、马瑞、于源春、李娟、苏畅、马可,和录音大师李大康,共同酿制难能可贵的音乐品味。此番精彩堪称独步中国乐界,民族音乐于山谷中回响,恰如清泉一泓,涓涓流淌,清新可人。德国老虎鱼后期全程制作,烘托了逼真的现场感受,使人身临其境。空谷幽兰,清香四溢,鸟语虫鸣扑面而来,仿如眼前。 寂寂空山,遣兴寄怀。清风明月松间,山泉流水石上,返璞归真,耘耕心田。辟一块心胸容纳天地,吐纳躁动与娴静,升沉了日月,轮替着四季,回归于万灵的本意。在一片空旷、辽远、幽深的乐境里,人、音乐、自然,交融无间。 Clouds roll through the sky, as a small flock of birds pass by. An endless expanse of trees is interrupted only by a lone mountain, its peak surrounded in thick mist. In the distance the call of sparrows can be heard, breaking the otherwise utter silence. This is just a glimpse of the images portrayed by the six musicians on this compilation, who use no brush or canvas to paint their landscapes; instead they use the silk strings of the guqin, the rumble of the drum, the lull of the pipa, the whistle of the bamboo flute, the wail of the erhu, and the thrum of the guzheng. Each instrument brings its own unique hues to the portrait, depicting various scenes of the beauty and serenity of nature. Let the music take you to a place far away, where words aren’t necessary, where one can be alone with the call of the birds and the whisper of the wind. On the cherry-apple tree, dew collects on the freshly blooming flowers, forming droplets which then fall to the ground. Outside the bedroom window of the small cabin, rain patters on the leaves of a banana tree. Birds sing among mountains, fog crawls along a river, waves crash against the shore. These musical embodiments of nature’s miracles, vivid and astounding, not only make you want to visit these places, they take you there. On the basis of the traditional Chinese concept of heaven, earth and man coexisting together in harmony, these timeless melodies will sweep you away to places you otherwise can only imagine or dream of. It’s time to slow down; set your mind at ease, let your imagination take you where it may, and visit a place where the only sounds are the song of birds and the trickle of a narrow stream. Set aside all your worries and woes, and escape from the cacophony of the world, to a sanctuary of serenity and everlasting harmony. This compilation was entirely recorded live, outdoors, beneath the Juyong Pass of the Great Wall, under the expertise of Professor Zeng Tianli of China Communications University, and with the assistance of Chinese freestyle brushwork artist Ms. Amy Leung. The album has an air which showcases the traditions of Chinese folk music, but at the same time makes many bold and innovative steps into the unknown. Experience the aesthetic aspirations of the ancient Chinese, as these traditional instruments take you across deserts, over rivers, atop mountains, into the vast ocean, and anywhere else that peace may be waiting for you. The musicians, with their expertise in traditional music, refined through new innovative interpretations, allow you to travel back through history, witnessing the beauty of life. Many of the songs are eternal embodiments of legends, such as that of Meng Jiang Nü, who wept at the foot of the Great Wall after her husband was forced to work himself to death there. Renowned music producer Ye Yunchuan brings you a bold new take on traditional Chinese instruments; award-winning musicians Zhao Xiaoxia, Ma Rui, Yu Yuanchun, Su Chang, Li Juan and Ma Ke, along with top-notch recording artist Li Dakang, create a visionary collection of Chinese music, combining traditional aesthetics with novel techniques; and Stockfisch Studios of Germany provide the mixing and mastering, completing the international team of artists. Every song is a new world, full of astonishing sights and wondrous sounds. Atop distant mountains, among dense pine forests, within the cool water of a spring, there’s something to be found, a place long forgotten, but always waiting. Man and nature are one, we created music among nature, and music can take us back there, to the tranquil solace of its embrace.
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欸乃(ǎo ǎi)。 古琴 The Sound of Oars in the Water (Qin) 6:17
平沙落雁。 古琴 Wild Geese Landing on the Beach (Qin & xiao) 6:28
茉莉芬芳 。古筝 The Scent of Jasmine Flowers (Zheng) 6:22
妆台秋思。 笛/古筝 Autumn Musings at the Makeup Table (Di & zheng) 6:41
大浪淘沙。 琵琶 Waves Crashing on the Shore (Pipa) 5;25
牛斗虎 。 鼓 Bull and Tiger (Percussion) 4:58
江南春色 。二胡 The Spring Scenery of Jiang Nan (Erhu) 5:46
天山之春。 琵琶 Spring on the Heavenly Mountain (Pipa) 3:26
蕉窗夜雨 。古筝 Night Rain on the Leaves of the Banana Tree (Zheng) 5:12
江河水。 二胡 The Waters of the River (Erhu & yangqin) 7:04
离骚 。 古琴 Encountering Sorrow (Qin) 5:18
春江花月夜。琵琶/古筝/箫 Moonlit Night on the Spring River (Zheng, pipa & xiao) 5:51
l 音乐试听 详情请见:http://www.rhymoi.com l 国际广播电台《民乐逍遥游——天人合一》专访: http://gb.cri.cn/1321/2012/12/10/6491s3953666.htm 上 http://gb.cri.cn/1321/2012/12/11/64...
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