Zeitenwende的乐评 (3)

凱之芬蘭詩 2021-02-19 20:42:16


當工業音樂的冰冷,遇上了黑暗中的一點光,當背景裡如鐵敲擊的聲音,貼上了標籤日耳曼,一切順理成章。來自德國的軍事氛圍工業巨頭Wappenbund,正在塑造著一場夢回戰場的快感,戰場上士兵的吶喊,坦克大炮的採樣,再輔以工業底和交響樂的進行,就好像是你坐著時光飛車,經歷一...  (展开)
摸摸 2011-03-23 21:20:57

Review from Cynfeirdd zine #15 呵呵后

New comer in the europagan inspired industrial scene, Mister Wappenbund has probably listened a lot to Laibach, Puissance and Der Blutharsch and now tries, from the depths of his cave, to also do some martial, symphonic with pompous melodies and authoritati...  (展开)
