Between Places的乐评 (2)

Ceci&三三 2013-03-07 06:33:10

Scandinavian Dreaming

   Coming all the way from Norway, Young Dreams’ debut album shows us what “good” musicians should sound like while stirring up the nostalgia for bygone youth. Influenced by The Beach Boys and discarded guitars like many indie bands do now, Young ...  (展开)
淘好听音乐杂志 2013-03-12 14:38:12

Between Places

原文: 如果只是單純Synthpop的話, 這張唱片著實有點乏味; 如果只是賣弄弦樂配搖滾的話, 這英倫老調又未能予人新鮮感, 幸好挪威團Young Dreams把上述兩種風格合併起來, 奏出輕快華麗, 又帶點舞台感的電...  (展开)

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