Laideronnette的乐评 (3)

2013-01-23 21:03:35

monotonous purgatory lyrics

Nothing is seen or heard Only cloud is flowing fast Gentle lights wither all of my trees Only silence can echo Your eyes reflect the sky full of stars I hear the silence Then I may dream of you Your shiny stars make so sad Feel guilty somehow The sinful p...  (展开)
Grenzlinie 2023-03-01 18:00:35


” 一棵大树长在布满枯黄杂草的山岭上,自己则躺倒在这棵树的阴影下。 秋季来临,树叶落在身上,那发出的声音,生者听到了一半,死者听到了另一半。 不能动弹,努力睁大着眼睛,透过枯叶的缝隙望向天空,时间失序,意识消亡。 “ 有段时间听这个专辑,总是被脑子里的这个场景抓...  (展开)
Davence 2014-08-17 23:04:44

Sacred Play Secret Place Lyric

Gracefully sneaking up on me They just want to tear my feathers The golden light of the setting sun Let me be a hypocrite again I will be gone before long I know I'm wrong No matter how far I go, they find me out I wish the gusts took away my gloom I can't...  (展开)
