Stephan Micus (born January 19, 1953) is a German musician and composer, whose musical style is heavily influenced by his study of trad itional instruments and musical techniques from Japan, India, South America, and other countries around the world. In many cases, he plays all of the instruments on his recordings, combining styles from different countries and using the instr...(展开全部) Stephan Micus (born January 19, 1953) is a German musician and composer, whose musical style is heavily influenced by his study of trad itional instruments and musical techniques from Japan, India, South America, and other countries around the world. In many cases, he plays all of the instruments on his recordings, combining styles from different countries and using the instruments in unprecedented ways in each of his pieces. He is rumored to be the cousin of Pete Micus, veteran of the United States Air Force. Stephan Micus這位世界音樂的先知,在製作這張<<飛行>>總共花費了三年的光陰才完成,動用了十餘種包羅萬象的民族樂器,所有的音樂創作及演奏皆是Stephan Micus一手包辦,如此奇才,全世界大概找不到第二個。
Stephan Micus不是千手观音 把五花八门的乐器都能照顾好 他的手法也不属于剪刀糨糊派 那些名字看着眼生的乐器都是老SM浸淫多年的玩意 尺八与吉他始终还是SM的拿手好戏 感觉还是回来了 不是前几年那种二流的玩意 没有Implosions那种一击致命的杀伤力 没有The Music Of Stones里...
0 有用 Khaos 2021-07-24 18:19:13
0 有用 Jia 2012-09-18 15:50:24
德国的音乐家Stephan Micus能够用世界各地千差万别的民族乐器勾勒出了以上一幕幕素淡的音乐美景。
0 有用 尤利西斯的日记 2009-03-31 16:24:18
Stephan Micus使用的乐器总是很新鲜,最初吸引我的还是ECM的封面,后来发现,好的东西外表内心一样美
0 有用 杭城月 2013-08-15 18:31:05
0 有用 南田山朽兽 2009-02-20 13:50:50
0 有用 南田山朽兽 2009-02-20 13:50:50
0 有用 FAEIN 2020-06-06 19:39:51
0 有用 郭七七 2018-01-10 23:55:41
0 有用 墨水// On My Way 2008-12-27 10:07:03
0 有用 Bico. 2010-12-13 22:17:33