Ride的乐评 (10)

11頁 2014-11-08 16:10:24

Lana Del Rey~Ride(一路狂奔)歌詞翻譯與賞析

Lana Del Rey~Ride(一路狂奔) 中文翻譯:本人原創 (以下為歌曲開始前 Lana 的一段獨白,個人覺得很有意義, 所以也直接翻成中文分享。) I was in the winter of my life and the men I met along the road were my only summer. 那段時間是我人生的低潮期, 唯一的歡...  (展开)
微 曇 2012-11-26 13:15:08

I believe in the kindness of strangers

“I was in the winter of my life - and the men I met along the road were my only summer. At night I fell sleep with vision of myself dancing and laughing and crying with them. Three year down the line of being on an endless world tour and memories of them w...  (展开)
三木由纪夫 2013-08-03 14:49:38


i was in the winter of my life-and the men i met along the road were my only summer.At night i fell asleep with visions of myself dancing and laughing and crying with them.Three years down the line of being on an endless world tour and my memories of them w...  (展开)
白石春子 2017-12-19 00:19:18

自譯 - RIDE MV的開場獨白

譯:Rose I was in the winter of my life And the men I met along the road were my only summer 我的人生正值嚴冬, 在旅途邂逅的那些男人,是我僅有的夏日。 At night I fell asleep with visions of myself dancing and laughing and crying with them Three years down t...  (展开)
DLL@baidu 2012-11-25 10:31:52

整张Paradise最大的进步是她录音室vocal style的成熟

★★★★☆ 师自嘻嘻姐的廉价标题是这首歌最终不能成为hit的原因, “summer breeze”副歌的旋律即便不能超过Video Game的优雅, 也比Born to die的“dont make me sad make me cry”含金量更高 整张Paradise最大的进步是她录音室vocal style的成熟 虽然我并不特别喜欢这首歌...  (展开)
阿四 2012-10-18 01:33:50


偶然在音悦台听到的歌声,低沉的嗓音是她的特色,忍不住停下手中是书,静静地听了好几遍。很适合,午后醒来的时候躺在床上梦游的时候。 you are my full time ,dont't breake me down,Ijust ride ,Ijust ride…… DON'T leave me now,DONT'Tsay goodbye.don't turn me around,l...  (展开)
ethan27614 2014-12-31 00:36:52


她坐在秋千一样的轮胎上,不停的摇晃,阳光,荒漠,天空,她都无法触及,如同一只残疾的飞鸟,在寻找自由的路上,Drink all day and we talk till dark. 可是终极的自由是何等虚无的东西,谁都追求过不平凡,憎恶世俗、企图逃离、特立独行,寻找自己的自由,在所有人都经历过的...  (展开)
米克米粒 2020-11-02 17:29:46


看了Lana Del Rey的几个MV,觉得她的音乐美学完整而独特。无论是曲风、歌词、诗歌,还是MV,都散发着浓郁的对美国上世纪golden age时期的文化和精神的迷恋。这把她与当下其他引领美国流行音乐市场的歌手们区别开来。其他人的作品多是反映当下,而她却我行我素地坚守着那些逝去...  (展开)
Konan 2015-12-26 23:02:24


一开始听时,觉得旋律不错,听到副歌时的确有自由的感觉,但在看MV时,觉得简直与我想象的情景不一样,我以为会是向吉普赛人的那种feel,但竟然是严重的恋父情结,细细品味歌词,也有让我失望,本以为是一种与世界绝尘的,潇洒自如的自由,但却是一种依托在他人身上,获取温暖...  (展开)
