Lana Del Rey~Ride(一路狂奔) 中文翻譯:本人原創 (以下為歌曲開始前 Lana 的一段獨白,個人覺得很有意義, 所以也直接翻成中文分享。) I was in the winter of my life and the men I met along the road were my only summer. 那段時間是我人生的低潮期, 唯一的歡...
“I was in the winter of my life - and the men I met along the road were my only summer. At night I fell sleep with vision of myself dancing and laughing and crying with them. Three year down the line of being on an endless world tour and memories of them w...
i was in the winter of my life-and the men i met along the road were my only summer.At night i fell asleep with visions of myself dancing and laughing and crying with them.Three years down the line of being on an endless world tour and my memories of them w...
譯:Rose I was in the winter of my life And the men I met along the road were my only summer 我的人生正值嚴冬, 在旅途邂逅的那些男人,是我僅有的夏日。 At night I fell asleep with visions of myself dancing and laughing and crying with them Three years down t...
★★★★☆ 师自嘻嘻姐的廉价标题是这首歌最终不能成为hit的原因, “summer breeze”副歌的旋律即便不能超过Video Game的优雅, 也比Born to die的“dont make me sad make me cry”含金量更高 整张Paradise最大的进步是她录音室vocal style的成熟 虽然我并不特别喜欢这首歌...
偶然在音悦台听到的歌声,低沉的嗓音是她的特色,忍不住停下手中是书,静静地听了好几遍。很适合,午后醒来的时候躺在床上梦游的时候。 you are my full time ,dont't breake me down,Ijust ride ,Ijust ride…… DON'T leave me now,DONT'Tsay goodbye.don't turn me around,l...
她坐在秋千一样的轮胎上,不停的摇晃,阳光,荒漠,天空,她都无法触及,如同一只残疾的飞鸟,在寻找自由的路上,Drink all day and we talk till dark. 可是终极的自由是何等虚无的东西,谁都追求过不平凡,憎恶世俗、企图逃离、特立独行,寻找自己的自由,在所有人都经历过的...
0 有用 竹子哟竹子✨ 2012-10-01 15:34:25
1 有用 犬犬七🏳️🌈 2012-09-25 11:44:41
4 有用 Halcyon 2012-12-14 19:12:58
I am fucking crazy,but I am free,50年代的美国,更像是一场虚无飘渺的的梦,LDR虽然是现代女性但却追求着那种不羁的生活,行走在路上
22 有用 KID A🌈 2012-10-28 23:41:53
1 有用 川总 2012-09-25 22:23:15
0 有用 水莽草 2024-02-25 13:03:22 四川
@2014-09-20 16:56:12 @2023-05-29 15:37:11
0 有用 南瓜糊糊 2024-07-16 19:46:03 北京
the war in my mind
0 有用 pigeonsad 2024-04-19 11:30:50 北京
0 有用 momo 2024-05-13 01:17:09 北京
1 有用 Wanderlust 2024-03-03 23:14:19 江苏
总有人觉得打雷姐的风格是颓废的,而我认为相反。正是因为深知我们生来走向毁灭,有了这层壮烈的悲观托底,反而更能义无反顾,让生命极尽燃烧。Live fast, die young; be wild and have fun.