2007 release from the neo-Folk band fronted by Sasha Gottschalk. Produced by the Jazzannova team Extended Spirit (Axel Reinemer and Stefan Leisering), the album's mellow vibe is conjured by guitars, strings and some electronic beeps. Sunchild features guest appearances from Clara Hill, Georg Levin and Paul Kleber. 12 tracks including 'Atlantic', 'If There Was A Love' and 'Cl...(展开全部) 2007 release from the neo-Folk band fronted by Sasha Gottschalk. Produced by the Jazzannova team Extended Spirit (Axel Reinemer and Stefan Leisering), the album's mellow vibe is conjured by guitars, strings and some electronic beeps. Sunchild features guest appearances from Clara Hill, Georg Levin and Paul Kleber. 12 tracks including 'Atlantic', 'If There Was A Love' and 'Clouds'. Sonar Kollektiv.
清淡的天空,阳光悠远。几粒尘埃浮在半空。树的阴影呆呆望向远方,沉寂的鸽子回巢,树在晃动中洒下几片微光。 吉他拨动琴弦,孩子在阳台看着窗外安静的木偶剧,天空飞翔的鸟钝钝地拍着翅膀,无风无浪。Does it make any sense? 梦呓的絮叨。 安静的晚上听Thief的《Sunchild》...
0 有用 一瓣脆脆桃 2022-01-25 12:09:24
0 有用 热热 2008-08-22 19:51:18
0 有用 研 2007-06-16 21:47:25
0 有用 zard砸得王大崩 2007-02-25 19:09:01
home 让人走在回家的路上
0 有用 Rej 2009-07-03 11:19:43
sooo good for wandering
0 有用 死爷 2010-06-25 11:52:03
怎么那么浓烈的red house painters的味道,无论编曲还是主音的嗓音,谁能告诉我他们有什么关系么?
0 有用 热热 2008-08-22 19:51:18
0 有用 zard砸得王大崩 2007-02-25 19:09:01
home 让人走在回家的路上
0 有用 Rej 2009-07-03 11:19:43
sooo good for wandering
0 有用 一瓣脆脆桃 2022-01-25 12:09:24