Far from the Madding Crowd and on the violet strings of Medieval Rose Harp entangled with bay leaves, Here linger gorgeously those Romance tales of Maidens and Unicorns which may arouse the deepest sense of Divine Ecstasy by their gracious pace and pearl-like syllables...
2 有用 小安 2009-10-10 11:08:31
心得到沉淀。|| 如果有什么野心 就是要藏全Bach/Mozart/Anonymous 4/古典/宗教圣咏/弥撒/blahblah全套!! ><``
0 有用 Dan 2012-05-01 05:41:52
beautiful voice
1 有用 好公民库尔蕾丝 2013-10-04 10:45:41
昔日七夕應景。七夕與聖母節其實皆與慶賀豐收有所關聯,故合璧是也。予子珍物時,在黃金草原上得知小部份身世,又值某隊友喪病,可謂心思慘然: 梟者懷有華夏之谷,示意不忘初心與哺郷,來日實力各番增強后,必返使之藉一衣帶水之東亞島地力量而復興。
0 有用 18 1 22 3 14 L 2021-12-12 13:07:49
1 有用 湖禄 2013-08-25 23:57:35
1 有用 Scelsi 2020-03-04 14:33:52
anonymous 4 never disappoints me
0 有用 Adire 2023-10-12 04:03:42 山西
0 有用 ΊχθύςΒηθλεέμ 2021-05-07 18:31:32
Far from the Madding Crowd and on the violet strings of Medieval Rose Harp entangled with bay leaves, Here linger gorgeously those Romance tales of Maidens and Unicorns which may arouse the deepest sense of Divine Ecstasy by their gracious pace and pearl-like syllables...
0 有用 mozartism 2011-11-21 21:47:26