Swell Season的乐评 (5)

李叙白小姐 2008-01-20 11:16:40


先看的电影,然后找到的原声,然后听到的这张专辑。 整张专辑透露个人的气息,就好像爱尔兰空灵的平原,我们低飞着掠过,看到树木,湖泊,惊蹿的动物,空气清冷干燥。 收录的一首纯旋律的swell season让我惊艳,提琴的深沉婉转让人心动。 音乐的力量应该是什么呢?这张专辑...  (展开)
怒放的亚历山大 2011-06-18 08:20:04

you should learn to endure the loneliness...

What do you feel when you are watching your beloved one’s shadow fading away? That’s the view I see when The Swell Season is shouting “leave, leave, leave……”. The whole album is full of loneliness. You will find yourself in the autumn afternoon backya...  (展开)
小空 2012-03-08 10:27:45


第一次听到Falling Slowly还是几年前,在老哥那儿,他推荐给我的,它温婉、不变的旋律紧紧地抓住了我的心,吉他和钢琴的配合,天衣无缝,让人开始惊异地觉得,原来这两种在风格上迥乎不同的乐器,竟然可以产生如此美妙地,对回忆,对时光的阐述,引人深深品味。哥说这首歌很...  (展开)
leidai 2010-06-07 16:19:30

Not too bad

Few same feelings got from that album, although its still not cheap in HMV but its worthy!!! By the by i got Glen and Mar's new album in Dublin few months ago, its amazing  (展开)
maze 2009-07-11 22:54:38


前几天雅思口语考官超级像Glen Hansard ,被叫到教室时吓了我一大跳,还好考官是属于修长版的有点区别嘻嘻  (展开)

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