I really don't want to speak ill of Karen Dalton here. After all, she did have a voice that sounded a lot like Billie Holiday, let alone her tragic life story. But, despite the last song, this record remains a difficult one for me to digest: her vocals drag along on most tracks and instrumentations sound just a little too muddy to my ears.
0 有用 心猿 2011-05-28 12:26:52
0 有用 tlmgt 2017-12-25 00:37:49
1971. 更喜欢这张多一点,P4K 9.0。这位是Adele的偶像?唱民谣的倒是不多见vocal这么soulful
1 有用 魂走九霄三千里 2016-04-14 21:40:19
An old friend
0 有用 Selma 2014-03-29 21:19:12
0 有用 ★ 2011-07-09 03:53:50
0 有用 tata 2023-01-06 12:11:28 浙江
2 有用 Cat_bean 2014-11-03 09:55:03
Greenwich 最好的声音
1 有用 饭卷 偷偷 2011-12-08 19:41:17
0 有用 Hana 2010-06-23 03:25:29
Something on your mind...
0 有用 或者是znn 2016-04-01 13:53:25
0 有用 Keren 2015-05-08 14:51:33
chrissybaby荐 已赏
0 有用 crascopy 2022-05-17 03:29:37
79/100 不算我的菜。但是不得不承认她太特殊了。不管是看长相,还是听编曲都想象不到她的歌声是这样的,我还以为只有黑人爵士女伶会这么唱歌,但她可是来自格林威治民谣圈的啊 跟鲍勃迪伦他们一块儿,就很意外
0 有用 可可洛塞耳 2007-08-23 00:07:56
Karen Dalton?好多灵魂女声的影子在她的音乐里面漂浮着
0 有用 vera 2010-04-11 20:33:56
0 有用 extase 2009-01-16 04:43:35
Bon (15) 古早古早以前...。也許我曾走在這條路上過。
0 有用 Seahorse 2016-08-07 19:00:48
I really don't want to speak ill of Karen Dalton here. After all, she did have a voice that sounded a lot like Billie Holiday, let alone her tragic life story. But, despite the last song, this record remains a difficult one for me to digest: her vocals drag along on most tracks and instrumentations sound just a little too muddy to my ears.
0 有用 幻影刺客 2015-12-24 18:34:25
0 有用 @ljl722 2009-04-21 01:54:45
0 有用 1968小金 2023-09-04 21:06:42 北京
0 有用 wangzhy 2019-05-09 07:20:02
Katie Cruel 最爱吧 主要是不喜欢 K.D. 的 Vocal