When they said he had a good sense of humor did they mean he was willing to grin like a Monty Python choirboy over a caption that said "OHNOTHIMAGEN"? C-
George Harrison在與腦癌抗爭的最後一個星期四的下午1:30,死在了洛杉磯朋友的家中。他帶著那個偉大時代光輝的最後餘韵去見了上帝。``I am devastated and very, very sad,'' Paul McCartney站在自己倫敦的住宅門外對記者說,``He was a lovely guy and a very brave man and ...
0 有用 再见爱玛侬 2023-07-07 11:39:43 四川
0 有用 Over5 2013-09-13 06:25:31
0 有用 Tale 2022-09-11 09:47:14
0 有用 R.Christgau 2022-02-10 22:59:37
When they said he had a good sense of humor did they mean he was willing to grin like a Monty Python choirboy over a caption that said "OHNOTHIMAGEN"? C-
0 有用 泛流 2017-07-13 08:14:00
一般吧,没有那么好。You 和Tired of midnight blues
0 有用 sofia 2023-01-29 22:04:14 北京
Ooh baby
0 有用 somberdaydream 2024-02-24 05:06:31 德国
0 有用 子骗湖江 2022-03-19 17:39:15
是1975!【The speech of flowers excels the flowers of speech. But what’s often in your heart is the hardest thing to reach.】
0 有用 阿晒 2022-05-12 10:58:36
0 有用 KevinQuitch 2025-01-24 10:59:26 江苏